Sunday, August 29, 2010


This is just to let you know that I welcome your comments. If you look below each of the entries on this blog, you will see the word "comment." If you have a response to any of these blogs, click on the word comment and speak your mind. 
If you agree, or if you disagree, just let it all out. 
While I am the person putting the initial ideas onto the page, your thoughts and ideas as readers is equally important. All of us together will create a community that will be powerful enough to make a difference in the world.
I can only provide one piece of the puzzle, but all of us together will create the whole, and that is the only way we can define what the problems are and work together towards finding effective solutions. 
So, go ahead, let us know what you think. Pass the word to your friends that we are having this dialogue. Encourage them to speak. Let your voices be heard. You've been silenced before, but now, here on this blog, this is your time to speak, to create change, and to make the world a better place. 
For a bit of housekeeping, in order to get your comment posted, you have to list a designation under the "comment as" section. Sometimes, none of these designations will match your profile. If this happens, to be sure your remark makes it onto this blog, when you click on the designations if none of them work, you can just click on "anonymous" which is the last designation on the list. 
This can be a problem because commenting as anonymous, in a way, denies you ownership of what you have said. If that bothers you, just introduce yourself in the body of the comment and stick your tongue at the anonymous label! 
So, good luck to you everyone!!! Welcome to this blogsite, where you will not be shut up, and you can speak your mind about family court as much as you want!


  1. It's great that you've provided this venue for so many Connecticut people going through divorce. I've heard it's a tough jurisdiction. Hopefully, this blog and others like it will help to bring change.

  2. I'd be interested in knowing how Connecticut stacks up against other states. My impression is that Connecticut is a very conservative and gender biased state, but it would be good to hear if that is what other people experience.

  3. I look forward to having a chance to comment on your posts. Thanks for setting this up!
