Saturday, August 28, 2010


And still we are going on and on about these automatic orders. We aren't done with them yet! There are a few more I just want you to take note of, and I'm being serious now. They are about your children.

Yes, I know you hate your ex, and I know all of the terrible things that person may have done to and is about to do to you. You are talking to me. I had the divorce from hell. Believe me when I say you have every reason to feel the way you do. However, again, do not convey these thoughts and feelings to your children.

Yes, they are smart and aware enough to have pretty much the idea that you are angry at your ex, but do not articulate those ideas. Just keep them to yourself. Imagine your ex is a necessary, but annoying colleague from work and treat him or her accordingly.

This means that you obey the automatic orders when you move out of the house and let your ex know where you can be contacted within 48 hours so that the kids can be in touch with you and your ex can make arrangements for them to see you (Item #10).

Furthermore, you obey the automatic orders (Item #11) which state that when your ex moves out of the house, you do what you can to maintain the children's contact with your ex on the phone, personally or in writing.

Luckily, we live in the days of modern technology so that if you ex irritates the heck out of you instead of communicating by phone to make arrangements for visitation, you can use email.

And when it comes to exchanging the children, you can do it in a public location where he or she can't make an uproar or even have a best friend or your mother do it so there aren't any confrontations. Just be flexible when you have to be, and above all, put the children first!

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