Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Today I posted two new forms from the CT Judicial Branch under the "Pages" label to the top right on my blog.  These two forms are "Dissolution Agreement" and "Parental Responsibility Plan". 
The reason why I do this is because these are the two most important documents you will ever produce for Family Court. 
At the beginning of my high conflict divorce, if I had known that the questions and answers on these documents were all that my divorce was about, I would have handled my divorce ten times more cheaply and effectively.  What led to many of my mistakes was the fact that I had no idea. 
So, for those of you just starting out, before you spend $300,000 or more on your divorce, take a look at these forms. 
Are they that difficult? 
Just consider that if you can actually work together with your soon to be ex and answer those questions in a mutually amicable manner, you might actually just spend $150 or $250 on your divorce which would be quite a savings for both you and your children in terms to time, heartache, and money. 
It's up to you, but I am just saying, here is an opportunity before you walk off and declare World War III.


  1. Even though I worked from home and took care of the kids 5 of 7 days a week, when I filed for divorce, me ex filed a counter complsint for sole custody. This system does not work well when one party wants it all. But thank you for these forms.

    1. I completely understand what you are going through and I really sympathize. Your kind of situation is ridiculous. My circumstances were very similar to that. I put these forms in more for people who stumble into a high conflict divorce simply unaware of how simply it can be because they have these attorneys who are stretching the divorce out so they can make more money!

  2. Nothing works when U r dealing with an Abuser.........but thanks anyway...if I had known what he'd get away with...I would've taken the kids and run. The Courts support his chronic abuse.
