Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The CT Law Tribune reports on the passage of Bill #494 as follows:  "After all the acrimony surrounding the debate over guardian ad litem reform, the final votes in the General Assembly were unanimous. And the results led some lawmakers and advocates to suggest that the legislation granting expanded rights to parents in divorce and custody proceedings may be only the first step in a larger overhaul of Connecticut's family courts.
On Friday, April 25, the Senate voted 35-0 and the House of Representatives voted 129-0 to send to Gov. Dannel Malloy a bill that gives parents a greater say as to who will represent their children in contententious custody cases. It also would give the parties to a family court case legal standing to seek the removal of guardians. Further, it would require the presiding judge to spell out in advance the scope of a guardian ad litem's work, deadlines for completion and fees."

For the complete article, please click on the link below:

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