Saturday, October 25, 2014


NEWSTIMES reports as follows:
"RIDGEFIED -- Following an acrimonious divorce, Rosemary Alfredo and her ex-husband couldn't agree whether their then 23-year-old daughter, Collette, who has Down syndrome, should move with her to Boston.

Alfredo felt her daughter, who holds a job and graduated from a special college for students with intellectual disabilities, could live independently there, with help from more comprehensive Massachusetts social services.                                                               

Her father disagreed, arguing Collette should be placed in a group home in Ridgefield.                                                               

So the couple went to Probate Court, where Judge Joseph Egan eventually appointed a guardian ad litem, Danbury attorney Sharon Dornfeld, to represent Collette's interests and make recommendations to the judge about the move.

Alfredo at first welcomed the appointment.                                                                 

"I thought it was better than dealing with my ex-husband," she said.                                                                
In May, Alfredo found a place in Boston, hoping to move there permanently with Collette. In July, the court allowed Collette to stay there temporarily, with a final decision pending an assessment by state-appointed experts.

But on Oct. 10, the judge gave Alfredo 10 days to return Collette to Connecticut to live with her father, Daniel DiVitto, in Ridgefield.                                                                
"The court is trying to take my daughter away against her will and put her somewhere where she doesn't want to be," Alfredo said."

For more information on this case, please click on the link below:


  1. If I could give the lowest possible rank or star for Sharon Dornfeld, I would! This monster of a Gal and Attorney is a disgrace to the entire judicial system and pure evil. Completely crooked and out to milk you of every last cent you have. Has no real regard for the children or family she represents. She has destroyed thousands of families, ripping children away from their parents, stripping parental controls from fit parents with out just cause. She doesn't spend any real time getting to know these children and their families. If Sharon is assigned to your case, file a grievance ASAP and take her off your case. Everyone associated with her (business partners), judges, psychiatrist, all working in her and their favor.

  2. The only person Dornfeld promotes is herself. She has no regard for families as she rips parental rights away from good hardworking people that are going through a rough patch.I only hope she herself experiences the horrors she bestows on others.She comes across as someone you initially believe will help you but your vulnernability stimulates her as blood does to a piranha.This woman is as evil as they come.She uses her position to destroy families when all they need is a little help. Please help us remove her from a position she never should have had in the first place. JAIL AND eventually HELL is where this monster belongs.

    1. This isn't the first time I've heard people make comments like this about Sharon Dornfield.

    2. Kay, your analogy is 110% correct.

  3. This woman is pure evil. She will outright lie to the Court. Don't trust her.

  4. In Dornfeld's world, if there is a high conflict custody battle, she does not believe in shared parenting. She will choose one parent to support, usually the one with the money or the connections. She then goes after the other parent making them loose their job, their business, their assets, their home, their sanity, their life and their children. If this does not get the targeted parent to stop fighting for their parental rights, she goes after them criminally including setting the person up to be arrested falsely. And god help you if you out her and catch her lying or committing ethics violations or testify against her or embarrass her for her behavior in front of a judge, she will never stop going after you until you are put in jail. And now she is on the Ridgefield Police Commission where she has even more power and control to have parents falsely arrested and jailed. She actually goes behind the scenes to the judges, the prosecutors and others to influence and continue to control the targeted parent. Her adversarial sociopathic behavior is a detriment to children and families. Recently, she a huge grievance was filed against her again. This time there was a mountain of evidence showing her pattern of behavior. But the Corrupt Good Ol' Attorney's network controls the Grievance panel. Instead of properly charging her so she could not continue to harm families and others, we believe they told her they would not take her license but she was to stop practicing law and we believe turn over all of her GAL cases. The BAR Grievance Panel is a sham and needs to be revamped. Attorneys should have to take turns each session to be on the panel so there is less likely to be a corruption issue.
