Saturday, January 31, 2015


Friday, August 27, 2010


Here comes another one of those more amusing posts. According to the automatic orders--yes, darlings, we are still talking about THEM!--Item # 6 requires that the parents of any minor children attend a Parenting Education Class within sixty days of the return date.

Usually, you can get a brochure at the courthouse which gives you the many locations where you can sign up for the class. It is supposed to be an all day adventure, but usually folks participating find a way to cut the class short a little bit earlier.

I think one enterprising fellow went to court and tried to challenge this requirement, but the judge reaffirmed that such a class is necessary. So, no such luck guys, you have to take it.

I can't say the information in these classes is going to harm you, but most of it is pretty common sense, and it all adds up to please, please, please, do not put your children in a position where they are used as weapons in the fight between you two. Don't ask them to take sides, don't use them as bargaining chips, don't tell them stories to make them hate the other party. It is just going to hurt the children, sometimes in permanently, terribly damaging ways. You don't want to be a part of that.

Of course, we all need to hear those principles, and we need to abide by them religiously. On the other hand, what I found highly amusing when I participated in my class was that there was a roomful of women and one token man! What?!? Guys are excused from the class?!?! Guess they are. Must be they already know this stuff--NOT!

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