Friday, May 1, 2015


The Stop Abuse Campaign urges you to sign Kelly Rutherford's Petition!  See Below:

"Only in a broken court system could an undisputably wonderful mother like Kelly Rutherford lose custody because her ex-partner did something that made him ineligible to return to the United States.  Judge Teresa Beaudet somehow thought it was more important that the children live with a flawed father rather than a great mother who is the primary attachment figure.  The judge forced the children to leave their home in the United States and move to France.  Kelly Rutherford is a friend of the Stop Abuse Campaign.  She wrote a blurb in support of Barry Goldstein's book, The Quincy Solution.  We are heartbroken at the unspeakable cruelty of separating the children from the mother they love. 


When a mother like Kelly Rutherford can lose custody in the broken court system, no mother and no child is safe.  Kelly has started a petition asking President Obama to help rescue her children.  We at the Stop Abuse Campaign are here because we understand the need to protect children.  Accordingly we ask our friends and supporters to sign Kelly's petition and spread the word..."

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