Monday, February 6, 2017


In the early hours of January 19, 2017 a troop of six FBI agents banged on investigative journalist Paul Boyne's door in Virginia where he lives with his elderly parents who are in their 80s.  What were they there for?  The agents had a search and seizure warrant allowing them to take all of Mr. Boyne's computers, computer equipment, and related items based upon the laughable allegation that he had been cyberbullying, stalking or harassing family court Judge Elizabeth Buzzoto.

From what it looks like, the CT Department of Justice headed by Deirdre Daly, was able to contact a judge in Virginia and obtain this warrant.  What is ironic about this prompt action on behalf of Judge Elizabeth Buzzoto is that in the past few years, dozens of family court victims have submitted complaints of Civil Rights violations and ADA rights violations to Attorney Deirdre Daly, all of which she has routinely ignored.  

Somehow to Attorney Deirdre Daly a family court judge's welfare and rights are considerably more important than the rights of citizens of the State of Connecticut?  Why is that?  Why does Attorney Deirdre Daly go all out to protect a judge, but ignores citizens?  Is it because she doesn't think average Connecticut citizens are worth her time?  If so, that's pretty disgusting.  

In regard to the charges leveled against Paul Boyne, they are clearly ridiculous and absurd.  As many people may be aware, Mr. Paul Boyne is an investigative journalist and political satirist who has spoken up for many abused and injured family court litigants who have been unjustly treated and tortured by the Connecticut Family Court system. His courageous and outspoken reports to Connecticut State officials and employees of the Connecticut Judicial Branch have been a source of comfort and solace to family court victims who really have had nobody else willing to stand up for them and speak out on their behalf. 

In addition to his investigative work, Mr. Boyne has long used Facebook and Twitter to satirize and parody the legal system, most particularly in regard to Connecticut Family Court Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto.  Frequently, the content of these communications could be characterized as very offensive and and anti-semitic.  For me, as a person with Jewish heritage, I'd say that Mr. Paul Boyne's tweets are extremely offensive to anyone who is Jewish or who abhors religious bigotry.  

At one point, I confronted him on this, and he stated that he was making these anti-semitic slurs to send a message about family court. It isn't one that I would agree with. However, based upon the first Amendment, Mr. Boyne has every right to freedom of expression.  Along with Evelyn Beatrice Hall I would also state, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."  In essence, what he has done is no different in many ways to what has appeared regularly in "Mad Magazine", The Daily Show, or Saturday Night Live.   

It particularly concerns me that in order to obtain her warrant, Attorney Deirdre Daly and her allies essentially lied to the judge in Virginia.  Judge Elizabeth Buzzoto is a public figure--you cannot characterize a journalist's satirical challenges towards her as a form of cyberbullying.  Cyberbullying by its very nature can only occur when you have two people who are on an equal footing in regard to social status and power.  Clearly, Judge Buzzoto wields a level of power and authority well beyond that of Journalist Paul Boyne, and as such it is disingenuous to the extreme, if not deliberately misleading to say that Mr. Boyne cyberbullied her in any way.  

What is particularly absurd about the CT Judicial Branch's decision to go after Paul Boyne is that he is not particularly good at parody or satire.  My guess is, in fact, that he turns off most of the people who read his work, and that, if he's trying to get people to agree with his views regarding family court, he is most likely shooting himself right in the foot and alienating the majority of his audience with what he writes. 

Still, despite the obvious failure of these satirical accounts and the universal disregard in which they are held by most people, the CT Judicial Branch is so intolerant of any kind of criticism that it felt moved to respond with such harsh and draconian measures.  

That's just pathetic.  

Further, Mr. Paul Boyne has pointed out that his writing is fundamentally protected speech.  Thus, he brought to my attention the freedom of speech case U.S. v. Cassidy (2011) in which Judge Roger W. Titus ruled in favor of the defendant citing the following point, that "Under the First Amendment 'Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" and he stated further, "from our nation's founding there has been a tradition of protecting anonymous speech, particularly anonymous political or religious speech."  

Judge Titus went further in support of freedom of speech to state, "Moreover, the First Amendment protects speech even when the subject or manner of expression is uncomfortable and challenges conventional religious beliefs, political attitudes or standards of good taste." He also stated, "the Supreme court has consistently classified emotionally distressing or outrageous speech as protected, especially where that speech touches on matters of political, religious or public concern. This is because 'in public debate our own citizens must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous speech in order to provide adequate breathing space to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment."  

So what occurred here with a posse of six FBI agents barging their way into a private home and confiscating Mr. Paul Boyne's computer equipment was a complete violation of the law.  

But what can I say.  As Family Court victims we have regularly seen examples where Judges, U.S. Attorney's General, and Attorneys violate federal and state law at will and there appears to be no consequence to such behavior.  Meanwhile, these very same persons come before the Judiciary Committee, the Connecticut Media and Public and go boohoo and act as though they are the victims. What a joke!

In terms of the future of our freedoms as American citizens in the State of Connecticut in regard to Freedom of Speech, there is also the concern that the Connecticut Judicial Branch is using Mr. Paul Boyne's case as a means to investigate and silence its political enemies.  

More specifically, now that U.S. Attorney Deirdre Daly and her pals have all of Mr. Boyne's computers, they can then snoop into all of his communications with family court activists and find out all the details regarding their plans for political organizing.  Most notable in this regard is that the orders seizing these computers extends to the year 2014 and on.  As most of you know, it was in 2014 that the Coalition for Connecticut Family Court Reform came together and pressed for improvements in the area of GAL reform.  

The very same situation occurred with activist Ted Taupier who was criminally charged as the result of a private expression of frustration in regard to Judge Elizabeth Buzzoto which was sent in an email to close friends and never to the Judge herself.  This was also used as grounds to seize all of Ted Taupier's computers which again included private communications among advocates working for judicial reform.  

The search and seizure warrant  for Mr. Paul Boyne makes specific reference to wanting information in regard to a "Mr. Paul A. Boyne and others."  

Who are these mysterious others?  Could this mean anyone who might have the gall to criticize the Connecticut Judicial Branch and hold it to account and ask that employees of the Branch itself obey the law in the way that every other Connecticut Citizen is required to?  

Probably "yes"!  

Since 2014, many of those who testified about the harm and damage they endured from the Connecticut Family Court system have experienced retaliation.   If you are one of the "others" Mr. Boyne's legal documents referred to, one of those who testified or criticized, you have every reason to be afraid, to be very, very afraid.  It would appear that no one, not one single voice is allowed to challenge what many people see as the fraudulent, racketeering scheme that is the Connecticut Family Court system. 

Whose home will FBI agents break into next?  Will it be yours or yours?


  1. Daily Failed her job and OATH - U.S. Attorney Daly explained that the Task Force is focused on rooting out not only corrupt elected officials, but also federal, state and municipal employees who use their position for personal gain at the expense of the public good. The Task Force also will investigate corruption that threatens public resources, the electoral process, and fair economic opportunities for citizens and businesses. In addition, the Task Force is charged with uncovering corruption within both public and private institutions that receive and misuse taxpayer dollars.


    1. This is a separate thing. Taupier For Governor is talking about a task force Attorney Deirdre Daly formed in 2015 for rooting out corruption. So far that task force hasn't done a darned thing even though multiple individuals have called them regarding the corruption of the CT Judicial Branch. So much for the task force! So while Attorney Deirdre Daly hasn't done anything with the task force, it is down in Virginia harassing a journalist who is legitimately practicing his trade and utilizing his first amendment rights by reporting on the news no matter how uncomfortable it may be to those in power.

  2. Time for the people to defend the First Amendment. Judicial tyranny is alive and well in Connecticut. Funded by the people to abuse themselves. You are all slaves. You are all four legged animals. You don't matter and neither does your Constitution. The rulers will destroy you, they will silence you, they will do whatever they want. Welcome to hell.

    1. Silencing free speech is important in a tyrannical government. Hitler and other diabolical regimes use the tactic.

  3. So they took all of Paul Boyne's computers? It looks as though they are going on a fishing trip to see what else they can find, not only for political enemies but for anything else Mr. Boyne might have been doing. Is that even legal?

    1. Apparently, he was not entitled to advanced notice, not entitled to an attorney, the State could just march on in and seize whatever it wanted. I find that pretty outrageous. Where are our constitutional protections from the intrusion of government?

  4. When the government can define political dissent as cyberbullying because it takes place on line, everyone's freedoms are at risk.

  5. Seriously, doesn't the FBI have anything better to do, like actually catch criminals? I know, for example, that numerous people have submitted reports to the FBI about Attorney James T. Flaherty who regularly cheats his clients and steals thousands and thousands of dollars from them. Why doesn't the FBI go after him. I'm sure lots of people reading this blot can name their own attorneys who have cheated and defrauded them online and off. Seriously, talk about misguided priorities!!!

  6. Actually, the feds took his computers, pulled the chip out of his camera and even took a PAPER notebook!! Some real crime at hand. Judicial Mafia of Corrupticut is on the warpath.....who is next??

  7. What interests me is that the FBI believes that it is above the law and that they can do anything they want. Why is it that the general public is so naive about this bunch of hooligans. When CT citizens have difficulty with the racketeering in family court they often think they should report to the FBI. Why? The FBI are even worse than family court goons! Can you imagine knowingly using outright lies to get a warrant from a judge to push your way into someone's house? What are we coming to in this country. It is like we are living in a communist country. .

  8. I would like to know why a Judge is entitled to a legion of defenders at government expense, but individual citizens get nothing.

  9. In all fairness to the Federal Judge who signed the warrant, she was lied to by the FBI agents. Feds are just as corrupt as the State Police. Troop H in Hartford has been kissing judicial butt. Major Crime Unit. Needless to say there is no major crime in Hartford, so these uneducated clowns with badges and attitudes cause more trouble than they are worth. Rumor in Hartford now is that no state judge will sign a warrant for a Bozzuto critic. Word is out that she is a victim of free speech. Blame it on state police morons who can't spell freedom of expression.

  10. Paul Boyne is a bully. He uses a fake email address to make it look like he's a news reporter. You guys don't want to hear it, but it's true.

    1. Mr. Paul Doyle has produced probing and insightful reports regarding particularly difficult cases going on in family court. It isn't whether folks do or do not want to hear it; it is about is Mr. Doyle doing the job which he appears to be doing as far as I can tell.

    2. Paul Boyne has the first amendment assign to him just like you do. Paul Doyle is a hack and a lawyer like Rosa Rebimbas. The ct lawyers run the game,(no ruleof law) ... free speech is still free speech, tyranny has never fallen from filing court motions...its hung or shot ...

      The Constitution is still the law of this country even if the judges in CT think they are above it ....Time to refresh that tree of Liberty me thinkist

    3. Every Judge in ct needs to be purged and are Bullies and the JRC is their band of flying monkeys to keep them in check- Ed Vargas indicated rubber stamp ...and no Malloy wants an AG office flying Monkey on the supreme court ...

      what a bunch of losers

  11. Not only that, the question is can the U.S. government seize the computers and source documents of a journalist doing his job based upon frivolous and trumped up evidence? Literally, anybody in government could send a SWAT team to a person's house based upon the extremely low standard of evidence that the judge used in the State of Virginia. If this raid on Paul Doyle's home office remains unchallenged we are all at risk.

  12. What I would like to see is an attorney of principle take this case to Court and get a judgment in favor of Paul Boyne along with some kind of compensation for his pain and suffering. If attorneys fail to defend the Constitution then the Constitution isn't worth the paper it is written on. People are expressing their frustration when it comes to commenting on this incident of violence against Paul Boyne's civil rights, and they have every right to; their feelings are totally valid.

    1. no wonder people are gathering together in militias. the American government has turned into a tyranny and is attacking its own citizens.

  13. He is a coward,pretending to be a news reporter. Pathetic dude.

    1. There is no evidence of this, but you certainly can say what you want.

  14. He pretends to be the "Charlotte Observer News". Delusional indeed.

    1. Yes, and the blog you are writing on is called "Divorce in Connecticut". So?

  15. The real tragedy for the American Society is that criticism of your masters will be punished. There is nothing nice to say about Bozzuto, Wetstone, Munro, Olear, Adelman, Suarez, Simone or the inside carpetbaggers like Dembo, Bozek, Gersten, Ficarro, Guliano, Rebimbas, Brigham or even the obnoxious clerks who prefer to spit on self represented persons rather than file papers, then we can start on the holier than thou family services sloths who judge your family without cause or standard. Honestly, there is nothing nice to say about any of these low lifes other than they lack the ability to obtain any employment that actually helps society or the children.

  16. The article pretty much covers the subject adequately so I will just briefly touch on the matter.

    I don't agree with Paul Boyne's tactics to express legitimate concerns about the Connecticut Judicial Branch but let's be real here. How different is his tactics than the ones used by certain unethical persons in the CT Family Court system? How many of us have been inappropriately threatened upon stepping foot in a Family Court? We JUST WANTED A DIVORCE AND TO REMAIN IN OUR CHILDREN'S LIVES without being extorted, humiliated and denigrated by Court Vendors whom, adding insult to injury, WE PAY TO DESTROY OUR LIVES.

    With the job of being a Public Servant comes the burden of being subjected to comment, good, bad or ugly by the public. IF you do not like to be criticized by the Public, then you really should not be in Public Service.

    Yes, family court litigants can be pains at times but that doesn't excuse the court from violating their own rules created to deal with these issues.

    Hector Morera

  17. How is free speech, public or private criticism of public figures in a public forum under public scrutiny a 'tactic'? Freedom of expression has never been equated to a tactic, it is simply freedom of expression.

  18. Is not Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto a religious bigot? Her discretion of destroying parent child relationships is bigotry, is it not? She is the Chief Family Court Judge, is she not the poster girl of what is wrong with family court. Nasty comments about a nasty vile excuse of a human is not allowed by the judicial masters? Oh my, such butthurt.

  19. This us outrageous. Free speech everyones right and it is the law, it should be protected. The FBI are supposed to uphold the law, not act as thugs for corrupt judges.

    1. The FBI can find Tom Brady's football jersey but can't catch the pedophiles in their own organization.....tells you what the feds are really about. Rape of children, it is the national agenda.

  20. The writer of this blog is obviously unaware of the literary satire involved with the term 'charlotte observer news'. It holds reference to a spider and a pig. The pseudonym employed was Wilbur in satiric reference to a pig. The spider, Charlotte, wrote things on her web that made people at the fair take notice. If more pigs and spiders wrote about monsters in black robes then perhaps people at the fair would take notice.

  21. Wilbur,Tim Thomas, Paul Boyne.... guess who is laughing now? All of the people you tried to affect by interjecting yourself in their lives and cases using your pseudonym are laughing. Maybe you should now employ the Wizard of Oz instead of Charlotte's Web as your satirical reference. The cowardly lion is much more deserving of your antics. You're getting exactly what you deserve. KARMA

    1. The public/media is

  22. Paul Boyne is not a journalist but perhaps a satirist of himself in making such a claim

  23. Paul Boyne now runs a blog at so to all of the people that he has slandered, go ahead and sue him for defamation. This guy is a complete lunatic.

    He is a loser who lives in his elderly parent's basement trolling judges, lawyers, doctors, and anyone else who he feels like trolling. His actions are illegal and hopefully someone goes after him.
