Wednesday, March 29, 2017


On March 16, 2017, Ms. Jane Doe, the mother of five children, was sentenced to 1 year in jail, execution suspended after 30 days, plus 3 years probation in addition to $1,500.00 in fines.  Her crime? Custodial Interference.  Yesterday, she was again on trial for another charge of custodial interference. I am not sure what the outcome of that trial has been.

In each of these cases, as I understand it, Jane Doe brought her 12 year old daughter to her home when the child was not supposed to be in her care at the time.  Instead, the child was scheduled be with the father who has primary custody of their minor children.  Thus, the charge of custodial interference.  An OLR (Office of Legislative Research) report of November 24, 2008, describes Custodial Interference as follows:

In Connecticut, a person commits custodial interference in the second degree by (1) taking or enticing a child who is a relative and under age 16 from his or her lawful custodian with intent to hold the child permanently or for a protracted period when the actor knows that he or she has no legal right to do so; (2) taking or enticing an incompetent person or someone in the legal custody of someone else or an institution when the actor knows he or she has no right to do so; or (3) holding, keeping, or otherwise refusing to return a child under age 16 to the child's legal custodian upon request, when the actor knows that he or she has no legal right to do so. This crime is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of up to $2,000, or both."

From the description of what took place in the newspaper, this is what occurred.  

I am not really prepared, at this time, to take a position on whether Ms. Doe should or should not have taken custody of her daughter, but what I do want to talk about is how her ex, Mr. John Doe, was so lucky to have law enforcement and the state court system respond to his complaints with such alacrity.  

How did that happen?

During the course of my divorce, my ex husband was regularly in contempt of the automatic orders, and he was never sanctioned for that, even though I brought this to the attention of the Court repeatedly.  

For six years I reported to the Court that my ex husband was medically neglecting my children in very serious ways.  Did the judges in the case do anything to stop it?  Nada!  This was true even though one judge in my case told me that all the judges at the Courthouse were aware of what my ex husband was doing.  

I had exclusive use of the house, and when I was gone on a trip, my ex husband tried to push his way into the house even though a friend of mine stood at the door to stop him.  When this situation came to the attention of our custody evaluator, I was the one who ended up being blamed.  "What was the big deal about having him come in to pick up the T-shirt he was looking for?"  I'll tell you what the problem was.  I had a court order prohibiting him from doing so.  Duh!  

For the first year of my divorce, like so many divorcing couples, my ex husband had complete access to the marital home.  This meant that my ex literally emptied our house of all our belongings.  

He took furniture, mattresses, pictures, computers, my daughter's karate equipment--anything that wasn't nailed down, he took.  When anyone came to my house, i.e. the GAL, it was literally empty because my ex had taken everything.  Consequences to my ex-husband for this outright thievery?  Nothing.

At first I tried to get my attorney to do something about it, but other than writing protesting letters at my expense to the opposing attorney, he did nothing.  The other thing I tried to do was report my ex to the local police department.  When I did so, I was told what pretty much every other person in a divorce gets told when it comes to legal violations in a family court situation, i.e. "This is a civil matter.  Law Enforcement will not intervene in regard to civil matters.  They will only take action if it is a criminal matter."  

This happened several times in my case.  

I had a very similar situation occur in my case to what occurred with Jane doe.  More than one time, my ex took custody of my children and then refused to return them at the agreed upon time.  This meant I had to take police officers with me to assist me in picking up my children. Still, I was never allowed to file criminal charges.

So what I want to know is, how the heck, when for all those years my ex got away with it, and I was told this was a civil matter and not a criminal matter, now in this special case with Jane Doe, she has been charged criminally.  

I mean, it isn't as though custodial interference is a new charge.  

As family court litigants, we have all been well aware of that particular criminal charge, and I'm sure lots of us have tried to use it. However, the police and the court system would never allow us to.  

Right now, I am aware there are CT citizens, family court activists, who are up at the CT State Legislature asking for bills to be enacted to punish parents who interfere in the right of the other parent to have access to their children during their scheduled parenting time.  


Because in Connecticut, there doesn't appear to be any recourse for the offended parent when one parent withholds the children from the other parent in violation of a court order!  But all of a sudden in the middle of this do nothing policy which has caused so many parents heartbreak, Mr. Doe gets a lucky break?  

We'd all like to know how he did it!  

This is my problem overall with the way in which the Connecticut Family Court System handles cases here in CT.  The judges and attorneys seem to invent the law as they go along.  

To people like me they say, the police are not allowed to intervene in civil court matters.  

But if Mr. John Doe is concerned, oh go right ahead!  Let's just impose the full might of the criminal justice system on Ms. Jane Doe because Mr. Doe is so very special.  

Maybe there is something I don't know about this case that would clarify this discrepancy, but meanwhile, I'm feeling pretty angry about it.

The other issue, I consider pressing in regard to Jane Doe is the common sense of incarcerating a parent so that she is at risk of losing her job, becoming unemployable and ending up an economic burden to the State of Connecticut and the taxpayers.  How sensible is that?

Furthermore, what is John Doe going to tell their children?  "Daddy put Mommy in jail today! Whoopee!"  I am just not seeing that as a good outcome, not for Jane and definitely not for the children.  

There has to be a better way, and I'm sure the CT Judicial Branch could find one if it tried.  But the Branch is too focused on defending its power and privilege, and what many perceive as its financial racketeering at the expense of family court victims, to be bothered.   


  1. The Thaner matter is a pedo case. The father is using the youngest son. Judge Adelman and Judge Bozzuto have ensured that mom gets no time alone with the little boy. He might tell her his butt hurts. Mr. Thaner is an unemployed bum living off of child support from mom and food stamps for the kids. The pedo cops at Glastonbury and Norwalk arranged for the arrest. Hoover and Nash. Pedo ring cops. One kid ran away, but he was too big and too old for dad to rape, Bozzuto did not force him back to dad, let him live with mom......pedos did not want him.

    Outrageous judicial conduct in Connecticut comes from the pedos. Children are trafficked. Raped. Mothers are silenced. Even jailed for trying to protect the kids from the pedos.

    1. Outrageous is your statement that the father is a pedophile. You people are sick. Screenshotting.

    2. The oldest son, who was "there" for his sister, is in fact a registered sex offender. WHERE IA THE CONCERN FOR THIS CHILD?

    3. There are no registered sex offenders in the family.

  2. Robert Thaner is very special. He has judicial protection, he is a pedo player. Judge Bozzuto takes special care of him as did Judge Adelman. Notice the pair of judges. Robert Thaner, the special father has broken that family apart, destroyed lives and is proud of it. The kids don't even talk to each other. Robert Thaner is the dangerous type that will be a horror movie some day. A monster, psycho, pedo.

  3. Robert Thaner was a family court whale. Dumb stupid white guy with lots of money. Stephen Dembo, Rhonda Morra, Judge Adelman, Ceil Gersten and others picked this family clean over years of senseless litigation. Judge Bozzuto is proud of her legal destruction of this family. A case so far removed from legal standards as to be simple child trafficking. There is no proper custody orders, no legal child support orders, no proper visitation schedule, just endless hearings with no final orders. The family is broke, in debt beyond means. The mother, the only parent earning money is now in jail. This is the classic Connecticut child trafficking pedo case. Ever wonder why the court never cares that Robert Thaner is not employed? The pedos are using the little boy and pay him for it. Child trafficking in plain sight by the judiciary. Be scared, very scared.

  4. This is the same family where DCF seized the kids and would not give them to the father. Same family where Judge Bozzuto jailed the mother and had GAL Stacey Nobles threaten the children that mom would stay in jail until they went back to dad. Obviously a pedo case. No one in Connecticut gets such special treatment from judges and cops unless there is a little boy ass involved. Even DCF can't protect kids from the pedo ring.

  5. How come I always hear that CT Family Court goes after people for their money and basically takes every dime that they have got. This is really a social problem because then in a situation like this you have parents and five children essentially without any money and they are going to end up coming to the welfare system in the State of CT asking for handouts. You would think that would bother people. Meanwhile, these professionals, the attorneys, the judges, the GALs, the mental health professionals are all getting richer and richter. No wonder people decided to vote for Trump. They are sick and tired of a welfare state that has more and more dependents and fat cats driving around in limousines.

    1. It is how scumbag lawyers feed themselves....from family savings accounts, consumed by direction of judges....scam game. White people fucking over white people.

    2. The father, Robert Thaner, continues on food stamps and child support. Luckily, he qualifies for social security soon. The two oldest sons are thriving, one on his own & employed after college, the other living with mom and playing sports in high school. The three younger children still reside with their father, unable to communicate freely with their brothers or mother. The mother is employed, not driven to welfare, still on probation, paying child support, and providing health insurance for her children.

  6. You ask me to judge? I don't think a mother of five should be in jail -- not for this at least. Again, talking about what costs the taxpayer, how much does it cost the taxpayer to put this mother in jail for 30 days. Still, if you are telling me that there are lots of people dealing with situations where inference in their parenting has no consequences, but here the state if arbitrarily imposing a consequence on this particular mother, Lori Thaner--I don't get it. I don't get why Bob Thaner has special privileges and special access to the legal system so he can talk out his own personal hatred of his ex wife by using the legal system this way. Are you suggesting there have been bribes here? Do you think the judge was paid off?

    1. Judge is controlled by the CT Pedo Ring. Children are being trafficked. It is all about money and raping children....welcome to Connecticut.

  7. I'd say it's justice. Finally the court system is addressing these insane parents that don't feel they need to follow one court order because they feel "wronged" because they've lost custody. You lose custody for a reason. Not every parent is a fit parent, and giving birth or providing sperm does not give you the right to parent a child when you should be focusing on getting psychiatric help. These comments above are proof positive that the crazy still runs wild in this group. Custodial parents that protect their children from ALL danger should be applauded.

    1. I have to agree with this idea. It is clear that Lori Thaner had no business taking her daughter when it wasn't her parenting time. Enough is enough with these parents who refuse to obey court orders and bring chaos into their children's lives. I hear that Lori kept the daughter out of school for an entire week. What is that nonsense? Children need to be in school, not sitting around at home. Not only should Lori be prosecuted for custodial interference, she should also be prosecuted for educational neglect. 30 days in jail isn't enough for this irresponsible and neglectful parent who clearly couldn't care less about the welfare of her daughter.

    2. I hear you. It looks like the State of Connecticut has come to its sense about enforcing the law. Better late than never!

    3. Get the story straight, the child ran away from the abusive dad.


    5. "Reed Thaner isn't allowed to be near children, unsupervised, due to a previous sexual offense charge in the past."

    6. So father is accused of sexually abusing the children, the children are accused of sexually abusing the children. You'd think that mental health professionals of some stature and capability would address the issues in this case which are clearly pressing rather than throwing mother in jail. To me that smacks of favoritism towards the father.

    7. Wasn't there a juvenile matter and if so, highly unlikely that the child was registered as a sex offender? Still, it remains a civil court matter, not a criminal matter. If there was rape, I doubt that this young man would be out and about. Also, I'm surprised seeing as this is a family court matter and the child was underage at the time that the record of the offense isn't sealed and that there isn't a gag order in the matter. For the best interests of the child shouldn't it be? Juvenile offenders records are not usually open to the public.

    8. I don't care what you say. If the son raped the younger girls, he should be in jail for life.

    9. Juvenile offenses are sealed. Hearsay of the matter was allowed by corrupt Judge Bozzuto, who had indulged the whims of the crazy father for 10+ years to drain the funds of the father and mother to pay corrupt GALs and other "providers" appointed by the corrupt judge. Plus countless state and federal $$ wasted.

    10. The mother is fit and was never proven otherwise. She maintained full custody of her oldest son and her 2nd son was returned to her care in 2015. There are no registered sex offenders in the family, although the father says there is. He does not have the story straight. The patch article was irresponsible, a quote taken from a police report that was what the father said, not what the police said.

  8. F**king awful family court system in CT. They are all a bunch of pigs and slobs.

  9. Bottom line is that the father Robert Thaner is a child trafficker. His only goal in life is to take money from the jailed mother and isolate the kids from the mother. Sicko. This family will meet a tragic end.

  10. It is a concerted effort between the judges and police to deliver a message to the peasants that disobedience will be punished. Do not disrespect the court or its pedo, gay, psycho judges. Judges are your masters, police are your keepers, you will not think, you will only obey.....or go to jail.

  11. What bothers me is that charging Lori Thaner with custodial interference in a family court matter appears to be a new and unique way of applying this particular statute which has not been done previously. I think it is wrong to apply a law to a situation for which is was not intended. Furthermore, there is the matter of using wisdom in these family court situations. Clearly, this is a family matter involving children and it should be handled in a way that preserves the relationships between family members, particular those between parents and children. The heavy handed use of criminal laws not intended for family court combined with jail time for a mother who is only trying to care for her children, even though not in a way that was acceptable to family court, I consider heavy handed and destructive, bottom line. It seems to me that judges who are college educated and attorneys with advanced degrees ought to be able to work this out with the help of mental health professionals so that the children's safety and emotional well being is kept on the forefront. Just saying...

    1. The case is grinding its way through the appeal process, as there are several issues.

  12. I hear that the excessive jail sentence and fine were a retaliation because Lori testified against family court Judge Gerald Adelman. Is that possible?

    1. The mother did testify against Judge Bozzuto and mentioned that Adelman was also problematic. She testified in January of 2017 to the Judiciary Committee against Bozzuto's reappointment and was sentenced in March. The arrest was made in June 2015.

  13. JUDICIAL RETALIATION is alive and well. Bozzuto's wrath.

  14. Someone....most likely Robert Pedo Thaner is posting lies here. No kid was raped. No kid is a registered sex offender. Robert Thaner tells everyone that same old story. Father Thaner is a liar and a pervert.

    1. Hahahahaha this inmate testifying against a judge?
      She must be on crack....oh maybe that's it and she dropped her first born on his head

  15. What I think is interesting is that in the Linda Wiegand Case, the Sunny Liberti case, the D'Angelo case the Scott Powell case where sexual abuse was alleged, and now in this case, the CT Judicial Branch has demonstrated a total inability to adjudicate these cases properly and they have clearly shown a lack of conscience in financial exploiting the litigants in these cases and bending the law in ways it was not intended to favor one side or the other. This is totally improper and a travesty of the legal system in the major way. To me it indicates that the CT Judicial Branch and its judges, employees and attorneys have completely violated the public's trust. People laugh at the "pizza gate" theories, but the fact is that the incapacity of the legal system to address cases of child sexual abuse in an effective way, and the failure to protect victims, has led people to believe rightly or wrongly in a conspiracy of pedophiles who are destroying the lives of children. They see case after case of situations where children do not appear to be protected and ask how come? Do perpetrators have powerful protectors who are assisting them in evading the consequences of their actions. It appears as though the techniques that the courts are applying, their approaches to addressing issues of sexual abuse, their direct manipulation of the law to obtain desired ends has lost them the public trust. This is unfortunate when the public no longer believes that the State Court system will protect them or their children. Granted how much work has been done on the field of child sexual abuse, the CT Legal Branch needs to educate itself. Also, if litigants in good faith have pursued a course of action to protect their children, they should not be subjected to ongoing litigation carried out with the intention of punishing the losers, particularly those who may simply have lost because of the corruption of the system. I'm not saying this is always the case, but there is sufficient legal improprieties in many of these cases to question any one of these judgments.

    1. You are missing the point. The CT Family Court Judges enable this behavior. The court is controlled by the pedophile ring. Play along or get kicked off the bench or maybe killed. Munro, Adelman, Solomon, Bozzuto, Baral, Ficeto, Dranginis, Cutsumpas, Murphy all are pedo judges. Wake up and smell the coffee. CT trafficks children through its courts.

  16. Let's set the record straight here the wife is responsible for this mess and the husband Bob is the best father a child could have,its unfortunate he has to be dragged through the mud with his own children for something this unfit mother Lori did ....she deserves to be where she is at she is a psychopath unfit for life

    1. If the husband was the best father ever why would his children runaway numerous times, tell every professional involved that they want to live with their Mother... year after year? Why keep the children sheltered from everyone, give them no access to phones, computers friends or family? Tells his oldest son that he hates him and is no longer his son and wants nothing to do with him in open court because he ran away. Tells the other 3 children that if they run away that they will live in foster care the rest of their lives. Why doesn't the court enforce the court order that says he's suppose to bring the children to therapy? Who's listening to or watching the kids? Just taking Dads word that they're fine not seeing their Mother and brother? Why years of his ex doing exactly what the court asked for with ever order, just have to the father lie and demand new and more orders to enforce with no end in mind? Maybe when you spend all of your money and pay people off you have your children's best interest in mind? I guess telling lie after lie he started to believe himself, telling himself that hiding money and living off his exwife and tax payers that he is the Best Father Ever!

  17. To the AH,s who do not know the story behind this atrocity with the wife being totally at fault and u knock this MAn- I have one thing to say U all take it up the a..

  18. The wife had nothing but kid baggage before she met Bob and he introduced her to a life where she had it all..
    And all of a sudden after she started
    Having children,she became the boss lol
    Well not in This world MEN F Rule

  19. To the ass H who said no kid was raped
    U take it up ur own ass JO

    1. Robert Thaner knows all about being raped, even as a little boy.

  20. Lori is unfit to hold a job so don't worry about the inmate not working she lost custody because she can't function
    As a mother and lost her family because
    She knockEd out a first born waste of life. She doesn't now rigbt from wrong
    At least bobs biological children are doing excellent in school and all aspects of life as compared to her first born.

    1. Well, I don't know about her being unfit. She appears to be the only one in the family with a job which says a lot for her. However, stirring up hatred and speaking in a vicious and nasty manner about the mother of all five of these children is absolutely irresponsible behavior on any level. If I were the judge in the case, I would rethink who gets custody just on the basis of comments like this.

    2. Bobby Gay Pedo Boy Thaner is getting ready to explode. Hope there is no axe in the woodshed.

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    1. Of course, any adult who would make a comment like this regarding any young person has to have a mental health issue which should be addressed.

  23. I applaude conn judicial for taking action _just because she is a woman she should not be jailed. BS

  24. Wow, how the lies in this case have piled up over the years from a vindictive ex-husband. Years of lies and money will get you jail time for your ex-wife and hatred from your kids for life! Did you really win?

  25. Why was a COURT ORDERED psych evaluation ordered on the Father that cost a lot of money blocked from ever coming out in future court hearing? Hmmmm? What is he hiding from everyone?

    1. This is an interesting point. I find that in numerous situations where father seized custody, reports of mother's mental health are introduced to the Court, but those in regard to the father end up being suppressed, discarded, and eliminated from the discussion. I'd be interested in knowing why that is.

    2. Robert Pedo Thaner has a long trouble psychotic history going back to his own childhood. He paid $20k for this to be documented then Judge Adelman helped him bury it. Adleman and Thaner are in the pedo ring together.

  26. Looks like Robert Pedo Thaner, pedo dad, is coming a bit unglued. Will will read the headlines that he chopped up the kids and killed himself? Will the police pedo ring get him the help he needs. The police owe him for sharing his young son's ass with cops with big guns. Pedo Dad Robert Thaner is a good dad? But can't get a job, so he sells his son's ass to the local police pedo ring for money. Just another day in the life of Connecticut Pedo Utopia.

  27. I think someone needs to to take a long look at the fathers past. ( just a few things on the long list of questionable )
    3 ex-wife's, paid off road rage incident, DUI, fired from every job he's had, threaten suicide and was under a psych evaluation, abandoned his young family for months on end to go party, files for divorce then serves the papers 6 months later - 1 day before the house is sold leaving the family homeless, gets everything in the divorce, hasn't worked in 10 years, hires the best attorney to drag his ex-wife through court for years on end all while hurting his kids. His only mission is all just to hurt his ex-wife and does a great job of it when he uses the kids to do it. Only psychopaths exhibit this type of behavior and it's CT courts job to take all the money. It's truly unfortunate that they turned a blind eye to the truth when everyone is getting paid off. The only thing the ex-wife is guilty of is loving her children too much. To what end do you protect your children? I think going to jail pretty much proves you'll try and protect them from the abusive father.

  28. I would agree that he is becoming unglued, the truth is coming out and he will be exposed for what he has done. I wonder how much long his money will protect him? The kids are older and stronger, at some point the system can suppress them anymore. Hopefully this doesn't end with a tragedy.

  29. Just another sad story in our legal system. Take a lot money from the bully to beat up the wife and destroy any future the kids deserve to have. Its obvious that the pros could careless about this family, money talks and bullies walk.

  30. Song for the unfit mother
    30 days lord and 30 nights I'm coming home from a prison flight mammas standing at the inmate line so tell me eldest son why do stand there cryin ?

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    1. YES... I agree about draining the swamp! Get off welfare you lazy excuse for a father. Oh that's right, you can't hold a job so you don't bother to get one.... LOL

  32. I know Mr Thaner for a very long time
    And I can tell u folks there is a reason why he defeated the inmate ex in court. And that folks is He was right!!!

  33. Another day in the life of "Shackel Mom
    Oh well I hope she don't run out of tidy bowl because except for giving it away on the corner it's all she is good for.

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  36. Catharine what r u smoking _ there was not allegations here about why the father got the children. There was proof,so obviously the father has no issues IT WAS THE MOTHER _;proof she is behind bars_ face it she has issues about protecting welfare of children

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  38. Public Service Message. The psycho father, Robert Thaner, lives in Trumbull, CT. He is a pedo, protected by the Norwalk, Glastonbury and Trumbull pedo police forces. The police chiefs oversee his protection. Officers Nash of Norwalk and Hoover of Glastonbury arrange for the arrest of the mother so the little kid's ass can be used. Thaner is a psychotic danger to society. He has a long tortured history of mental illness that is untreated and uncontrolled. He is spiraling to a tragic end. Anyone can see his posts in this article. Vindictive, vile attacks on the mother of his children. The man is suffering. His mental defects will manifest into more violent outbursts and attacks. The instability will lead to a tragic headline, which the pedo cops will attribute to the mother. It is coming.

  39. U know people u read these posts from these Rhode scholars and it's laughable
    Regarding the Shackel mom how the F could anyone in their right mind say she is a good mother? Good at getting pregnant maybe but no follow up....ask the ex before Bob _ this woman is sick lol to go against a judge ? What a bucket ho

    1. This is my problem with these kinds of remarks. It appears as if this person has a problem with a parent choosing to have a family. If this person commenting above dislikes children, he or she would not be appropriate for taking care of any children and making decisions in regard to any children. I can't imagine any mature adult having a problem with the beautiful children that are born of a marriage, even if the marriage doesn't endure. Also, many litigants are now speaking out courageously against judges who have not been living up to proper ethical standards in regard to the family court victims who have appeared before them. Their actions in speaking out are courageous and a service to the many whose lives have been destroyed as a consequence of the corruption and abuses in family court. So to disrespect and disregard Lori for her courageous actions that I have a problem with. You know, Lori Thaner is not a perfect person, and I may criticize her actions here and there, but I absolutely do not think that she deserved what has been done to her. I do not think that you bend the law to persecute people you don't like and it looks as though this is what the judge did in regard to Lori in regard to this case. I also am getting the sense that Lori's oldest is bearing the brunt of a stepfather who is vindictive and hateful. I can't imagine why any family court judge would consider giving a person like him custody of any child ever. Just saying.

    2. Well said!!!!

  40. What exactly was the criminal aspect of the fact that the kids had a relationship problem with the father? Pedo cops just blaming everything on the mother? Note they were all male cops, hate their mothers and like to f*ck little boy *ss.

    Thin Blue scared, very scared.

  41. Catharine what r u not understanding here THE MOM is a POC prisoner of Connecticut ru that stupid to think she should have custody?

    1. But she does have custody of the oldest two children so what am I not understanding? If your unfit why does she have them? This doesn't add up. What's the real story? How do the courts decide that the kids running away that they should put parents in jail but give them custody of two at the same time? What a contradiction of those two actions.

  42. Look catharine u can poke blame at the law the judges the system but the fact is this woman is incarcerated for a reason. She Is A UNFIT MOTHRR who lost custody for a reason so don't be as stupid as she is fighting for a Inmate

    1. Many good parents end up in jail in the the family court system in CT. In fact, if you are in jail as a parent in CT because of what happened to you in family court, the likelihood is that you are a good parent just by virtue of being in jail. We have one of the most corrupt family court systems in the country only rivaled by Illinois, Texas, and California.

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    1. I would question the other children's well being for reasons that the father is alienating them from the mother. Why do they run away? What is happening in that home that's making them run. Are they receiving professional help or just living in fear? I hope someone checks on these children to ensure they're not being abused. The father has every sign of a bully and seems to enjoy it which is disgusting.

  45. Family court is very corrupt in CT. When have the judges ever fixed the mistakes of the past or listened to the children. The goal is to keep the family fighting until the kids age out of the system and every dollar spent. Applying Logic and keeping the family together is never the goal. One parent is targeted and they pile on the orders until it's impossible to manage. They target families like this. The only common denominator is money.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In CT, fathers who have sexually molested their children are still not considered unfit and they are often given full custody of the children they abused. See Liberti v. Liberti, look at the Scott Powell case. So pedophilia has never really bothered the State of CT judicial branch up to this point. This is just another situation where the Family Court system has found a way to bend the system to trash another mother who loves her children more than anything. I doubt if any father in this situation would have been charged with custodial interference and jailed. It's always the mothers driven out of the lives of their children; it's the mothers who end up in jail. Could the State of CT care to explain what they have been doing with the $46 million in fatherhood funds that they receive each year? No motherhood funds. In a system this corrupt how can you make any claims other than money is at the root of it all, as many have said.

    2. I don't think there is any other problem other than the father chortling and glorying in the fact that his stepson has been in trouble. What kind of stepfather would ever be so gleeful about a situation like this! Could it be that the step son was set up by the stepfather, that the whole situation was fabricated to get an advantage in custody? I wouldn't put it past this kind of creep!

  47. Nothing is weaker or smaller than a man who hurts women and children. Only a coward hides behind lies and the need to control others. It shows his true character.

  48. This could possibly be the inmates mom writing this and if it is we know why she is where she is. So u have 3 screwball s in 1 family no wonder there is no hope

  49. OMG - The dad does look like a pedophile. All makes sense now. He's one butt ugly guy! No wonder he needs the kids.

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  51. Well case closed as far as this blog seems everyone here agrees with the last post..7:28 April 4 2017

  52. I think the issue remains that the Criminal Court system is taking jurisdiction of the Thaner case and putting a mother in jail when this is not the standard practice and when the CT Judicial Branch twists and manipulates its procedures to target a single individual this calls into question its objectivity and its ability to enforce the law in a fair and equitable manner.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. One of the problems with family court is that so much of what judges, attorneys, and mental health professionals do is skewed, irrational, and above the law, so when litigants act similarly, it can't come as much of a surprise. What you describe is unfortunate, but so much worse has happened and still the family court system does nothing. As I have said before, in my divorce for six years my ex medically neglected my children he had no consequences for doing so, ever. The impact on my children for that neglect will be lifelong. However, all of sudden boom it goes after Lori Thaner. Just why? Clearly, in the Thaner case the kids are running away from the father. They want to be with the Mom. The family has been incredibly disrupted and the father is foolishly trying to keep the kids from her. There is much more to this story than meets the eye.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Law Abiding is kind of a contradiction in terms in the State of CT when it comes to family court. There is no law in family court, and to repeat, there are so many family court victims with massive, illegal fines imposed upon them independent of any law, people placed in jail, people with liens on their homes, all in proceedings which were conducted in courts yet were done independent of any law. So law is meaningless in this state. Clearly, the daughter also wanted to be with Mom. So you have 3 out of 5 who would prefer to be with Mom. A father who refuses to share parenting with the mother of his children. That's problematic. If a mother tried to withhold children from a father, she would be charged with PAS and denied all contact and lose all custody. Father does it, who cares as per usual.

  55. Did your Father:

    Discount your thoughts, opinions and contributions?
    Perceive his wife/children as his personal property, to command as he wished?
    Disrespect family members?
    Withhold affection?
    Treat your mother as less than an equal partner?
    Usually put his own interests ahead of those of the family?
    Make promises, only to routinely disappoint?
    Was he aggressive or abusive toward family members?
    Abuse drugs and alcohol?
    Need to be right / in control at all times?
    "Disown” you for disappointing him?
    Shame you privately or in front of others?
    Embarrass you, humiliate you or ignore you?
    Ever abuse you - psychologically, verbally, physically or sexually?
    Blame his failures on others?
    Make excuses for his bad behavior?

    This is child abuse by the father. The courts and professionals are fully aware but chose to ignore.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Even if you grant that there was a convicted child molester involved in this case, this is a situation which CT Family Court has routinely overlooked in order to maintain the integrity of the relationships, primarily between father and child, however, it has not been seen as a reason to deny custody. As I have mentioned, in fact, the reality is that a father who has sexually abused his children is more likely to get full custody than not. So what we have is a very inconsistent and ambivalent response to the issue of incest within the CT Family Court System and it seems to me that this family is a victim of that policy. Clearly there is a vacuum of clarity here regarding how these situations should be dealt with and I think what it requires is more investigation on the part of legislators and the CT Judicial Branch to develop policies and practices that reflect our best understanding of the issue of incest in our present day. Unfortunately, this has not been done and what you have are Judges tapping into the ignorance and prejudices of the 1950s in order to make decisions. Unfortunately, Lori Thaner is a victim of this situation. However, I am hearing that there is a lot more to this story than the demonizing of a young man who has barely emerged from childhood and is still, as far as I am concerned, a minor deserving of the protection of the parents in his life. I am shocked at this attack on this young man. I don't condone anything he did that was wrong, not that I know what it was, but I also think young people need to be parented and when I see this attack on him, I am at a loss regarding an adult who does not seem to know that he has a responsibility to mentor and guide this man to maturity, even a former stepfather has that responsibility. So when I see this lack of a sense of responsibility I wonder if what I'm hearing from the father. Just saying.

    2. Sorry just finishing my thought, I question the truth of what the stepfather is saying given the vicious and harsh and very public attacks he appears to have made on a very, young man who is still is trying to find his way in life and still requires the guidance and correction of adults..

  57. This clown Bob Thaner is the only guy posting against the mother. He is an obsessive little sh*t who has delusions of grandeur and is protected by child raping police of Trumbull, Norwalk and Glastonbury. But karma is hunting his sorry *ss. Ending will be nasty and ugly, but just.....karma always catches up to the deserving.

  58. Is Karma the name of a very large doberman?

  59. This is why corrupt CT will thrive and families will be destroyed .

    Title IV_D funding has caused great grief to those families trying to get a "fair hearing" in family court. The Family Court Judges, attorney ad litems, psychologist benefit from Title IV-D funding. The funds are given to the states on collection of child support. There is no incentive to grant the "best parent" custody - but to examine which parent can pay child support. This is important as every dollar of child support collected is matched by Title IV-D funding. The funding going to the States are not used to enforce visitation rights of the non-custodial parent, but going into areas of the State that are not accounted for.

    This is an outrage, as nobody has to account for these funds and how they are spent. Second, there are numerous accounts from all over the United States about CPS taking children into custody and adopting them out for the incentive funds which range from $4,000 to $8,000 a child.

    This is important to you as it will not matter how much you spend on legal fees or the quality of your attorney. This is about federal funding going to each State - not to benefit our children, but for increase revenue.

    The civil rights of families and children have been denied due process. Unless we have accountability for the Family Court actions and where the money is being spent, this will get worse.

  60. You people are nuts. And what's so funny is that to a person? Wealthy, educated, pampered, middle-aged white women. Think about it: many of you are of a privileged class and gender: yet? You've. Lost your kids. Hmmm. And it's always someone else's fault. So quick to blame, yet, it's never your fault. You'd rather lose your kids and be professional victims than own your own stuff and change you're damaging behavior. Here's what you don't seem to get: your kids won't stay kids forever: they will grow up and see the atrocious things you've said about your ex-husbands--THEIR FATHERS--and they will STILL not want to see you. Because they see you for the awful people you are. Have fun being lonely shrews.

    1. I think it is white man's privilege that uses words like "pampered" when it comes to mothers.

    2. I think it is particularly typical of upper class, white men that they often thing of their wives as spoiled and pampered because they have absolutely zero clue regarding what is involved in growing successful, well rounded, ethical human beings. Doing so is an incredibly demanding task both spiritually, intellectually, and physically, and it is an occupation that does not merely cease once these young people hit 18. As any hands on Mom knows, we are continuing to support, bolster, craft, mold, engage, facilitate and enhance these young people as human beings and as contributing members of society well into their 20s if not 30s and on. Upper Class White men continue to believe that anyone can bring up their child, and they just grow like flowers in the sun shine, and that if they are left alone day after day after school or brought up by the housekeeper or given tons of money, things will be just fine. Well, no, this is not what happens. We have an opiod epidemic here in CT which particularly impacts young people and the wealthier communities are not excluded. Why is this so? Because of the abuses of Upper Class White men who continue to abuse and disrespect their wives, who seize custody of their children using their superior social and economic resources, and ultimately scar and damage their children for life. The resentment of any intelligent woman, the resentment of any woman who is financially well of, the desire to get revenge on such women not only with the judicial system but in a broad range of services in CT such as the insurance and financial industries I have found quite forcible and striking here in CT. There is this presumption that women who have attained status over a period of years in their lives must have achieved these results by being spoiled and pampered as the commenter does above. What these kinds of folks don't realize is that a considerable number of women like this are highly educated, hard working, and they have a tough fighting spirit specifically because they worked harder than most to get where they are today. But I do continue to see this ongoing prejudice and hatred of women among CT professional men, this misogyny that leads, even Judges in family court to make disparaging comments about the women who appear before them and to deride them for their economic and scholarly success. Of course, the men who act and speak in this manner often had mothers who were highly successful at raising them, often have their own wives and daughters whose achievements they benefit from. Still, they can't help being nasty sons of guns who seek to oppress women and subject them to the will of abusive men whenever possible. Of course, these very same men ultimately pay in the dysfunction within their own lives, in the mental health and substance abuse addictions of their children, and in the loss of the love and affection of those closest to them. But while these men are having their fun, and chortling, and being gleeful about the damage they have and continue to inflict, they never think about future consequences.

    3. I have to say that at first I had sympathy for Robert Thaner and his supporters, but after listening to them trash Lori Thaner and calling her a "bucket ho'" and comments like that, I have totally lost any sympathy at all for him. Also, what Robert Thaner doesn't get is that he was the stepfather at the time of the older child, so he is responsible for that child's behavior. If there were problems, what was he doing about it--standing around going "look what she did"? No. The question should be, and still is, what is Robert Thaner doing and why isn't he acting like a mature adult and acting like a positive role model to the children for whom he should be demonstrating proper behavior and moral fiber. Instead, he is just modeling how to be a jerk.

  61. Another comment I want to make here and let it be known the previous comment was mine is that Mr T is not responsible for his stepchilds abnormal behavior all u can do as a parent is be a good one not police kids 2r/7 kids play and do silly things but what this
    Pervert did was beyond the core

    1. Adults who have played a parental role in a child's life, whether related or not, ethically speaking bear a responsibility to behave in a parental and responsible manner. The languaging which appears to reflect an attitude of gleefulness in having gotten somebody is far from the kind of serious response you would expect to get from a person who really believes that something perverted took place. So then credibility becomes an issue, and you start to ask, is this a person who found some minor aberration and then inflated it ten fold in order to obtain an advantage in family court. When a damaging incidents occurs in a family, you are suitably somber, and if there is disagreement regarding the nature of what occurred, it is a good reason for therapy with a skilled mental health professional, not jail.

  62. Hey FYI Robert thaner did not call the ex that name someone close to him who knew Lori for what she was did so I owe
    Mr Thaner an apology

    1. Why would Robert Thaner know anyone who speaks like that, or associate with anyone who speaks like that?

    2. The failure, it seems, of every adult in this situation, from the judge on down, to the attorneys, etc, and parents to treat this situation in a mature manner for the benefit of five children who are involved (You aren't going to tell me a 20 year old is an adult) I find disgraceful. Then because of their abject failure, they are now calling in criminal law? This is just appalling and childish behavior, particularly on the part of the judge, I might add.

  63. Catharine ur rhetoric here is idiotic
    The boy committed an act that endangered other siblings are u condoning his behavior just so the mother can retain custody???? Use the brain God gave u PLEASE

    1. Intact families contain siblings who present a challenge. What happens then? I think that much has been said regarding what this young man did which is probably inaccurate. You have Josh Duggar who you could argue endangered his siblings and no one is stating he should not be a father. There appears to be a general lack of standards for how situations like this ought to be handled. But definitely the mother should retain custody, absolutely. Even if she does not retain residential custody, I do think joint custody would be warranted. If you are asking me that question, I'd say yes.

    2. I would definitely call into question the good judgment of, if not Robert Thaner himself, then his supporters who would refer to the mother of five children all within the bonds of matrimony as a bucket ho', and I would question people expressing the kind of gleefulness at the difficulties Lori Thaner has been going through, the schadenfreude, so to speak. This is wholly inappropriate in regard to this situation and particularly in regard to the children for whom this is an extremely tragic situation. There seems to be a severe disconnect here in terms of understanding what this situation means in real terms to the children involved, and there appears to be a situation where persons who are adults appear not to know what it means to take responsibility as an adult. Then there is the vengeful legal system which is even worse than that and believes that putting a good person, though flawed, in jail will put a stop to the situation. No it won't. The foolishness and vengefulness of those involved, the father, the judge, the attorney, I find inconceivable and immature.

    3. Quite simply, certain judges ought to know better.

  64. Catharine all this bs about the courts other so called predator fathers is all bullshit.u have someone that is hopefully rehabilitated but I still would not trust with my other siblings
    Period end of story so all the rest of this bullshit is here say and nonsense .

    1. The idea of Fathers being predators, according to the above commentary, is bullshit. Well, we all know the comment is bullshit then. When you have siblings that will be siblings for the next 60 years, it is important for a therapist to sort out the kinds of problems this situation raises rather than writing people off who remain part of the family even after being written off and long after adults are dead and no able to supervise the situation.

    2. What I think is interesting is how the family court system feels the need to demonize people rather than acknowledge that life is mostly lived in grey areas. If judges and attorneys don't find that black and white situation they are looking for, then they try to create it by fabricating facts that don't exist or else they push people over the edge so they start doing things they would never do under ordinary circumstances. When you push people to desperation, when you make them believe that if they don't act, they will face a life or death situation, yes, they might behave in uncharacteristic ways. But does that make them evil, unredeemable, unsalvageable? I don't necessarily think so. But family court acts is if they are, and family court players try to convey values such as it is ok to write people off who are your family members, that you can cut them off, never speak to them again, etc. etc. That's a sick mentality. If you really think about it the whole psychology of family court is perverted and sick. Unfortunately, while being absolutely corrupt, perverted, and sick, family court operatives have almost total power of their helpless victims, litigants who are simply try to repair their lives before or after divorce. family court makes a holocaust out of what should be minimal and swift legal proceedings.

  65. Catharine R thaner supporters are just that "anti Lori supporters and for a good reason_ when she thought she had the upper hand she had the biggest C attitude towards Bob and made it difficult for him to see his children who loved him. Now the tables have turned and KA POW she deserves every unrestful night in jail and every problem she has because she thought she was above the law _wwll guess what SHE AINT and all this bs about corrupt courts and judges and lawyers - they r there for a reason to protect the young

    1. Ok, here again, we have a problem with languaging. What is this, please? "The biggest C attitude"? Again, the hatred of women that pours out of the individual who is speaking above seriously calls into question the ability of that individual to be in any supervisory, parental, or co-worker type situation with a woman because of their completely vulgar and crass sensibility. If these are the type of persons whom Robert Thaner associates with, I think this absolutely calls into question his ability to safely care for his children. Verbal abuse and misogyny towards young girls and the parent who represents their role model is absolutely psychologically damaging to those children. You say that the courts, judges, and lawyers are there to protect the young--well, if that is so, they should absolutely intervene in this situation and eliminate any person in a parental role who speaks with such hatred of women as a whole and of the mother of these young girls specifically. Such remarks are wildly inappropriate and extraordinarily damaging to these young children. I certainly believe court orders should be obeyed, but there is no need to by excessive and vicious in enforcing the law, particularly when it comes to parents who find themselves in very trying circumstances.

  66. Catharine u can put all the emphasis u want on corrupt family court but they r there first and foremost for the welfare of children _ not for some skewed old lady who calls herself a mother by having commotion in front of children. She s hi ould put the needs of the victimized youngsters first and not worry about defeat 4th ing the court system

    1. Again, here we go with the extremist languaging, i.e. "skewed old lady who calls herself a mother". My problem, again, is the serious lack of maturity that commentary on this level demonstrates. If any Judge, GAL, family relations officer, or attorney can contemplate giving custody to an individual who speaks with this level of foolishness and lack of common sense, what can I say other than perhaps we do not have a corrupt court but we sure have a stupid court. That was something I had not contemplated--the idea that folks operating the family court system are simply dumb. I'll have to rethink my entire position. I certainly believe and I have always maintained that the family court system does have people who are really devoted to the work that they do, and they want to do what's right on behalf of the children. I certainly think we do have systems that are in place to assist parents in rehabilitating and rethinking any mistaken approaches they have had to raising their children. I would certainly encourage Lori Thaner and others in her position to think in terms of engaging positively with the system rather than charging at it like Don Quixote. I definitely hear what the above comments is saying in that regard.

  67. The reason why family court is this way is because Lori is emotionally unfit to function in a normal society _ hence being caged. Right there that says it.

    Is Robert behind bars? No
    Did Robert lose custody of the children? No
    Is Robert children that live with him doing well in school and sports? Yes

    What is lori,s eldest doing?

    1. I think that just making a statement like "unfit to function in a normal society" is so way off the beam and out of proportion that anyone who reads it would pretty much have a heads up that the Robert Thaner contingent is completely out of line. This is the kind of extreme languaging about the other parent that is the cause of an inability to work effectively on behalf of the children. We all have to laugh when it comes to who does or does not get custody. It is well known that psychopathic men are seizing custody in droves as a consequence of the massive fatherhood funding that has infiltrated the Court system as well as all state agencies in the State of Connecticut. We all know that 80% of abusive fathers have been seizing custody from the mothers who complain to the family court system re the abuse of their children. Also, I will say that a father's definition of doing well in school is very likely going to be radically different than a mother's definition of what constitutes doing well. So this is very highly amusing as a comment. But also very sad because it reflects a person who has a very serious, and deeply engrained inability to be insightful about the harm and damage that the children are experiencing in this situation. Again, for shame the judge, for shame the GAL, for shame the family relations people, for shame the attorneys who have sufficient experience and should know better.

    2. All of you commenting on Lori's oldest son is inappropriate - the matter was sealed and any discussion is hearsay and not even close to the truth. The corrupt family court judge permitted hearsay of the sealed case to be discussed in her proceedings which was illegal and inappropriate. This is on top of the corrupt judge clearly denying Lori her civil rights and due process.

    3. Well, clearly, something happened. We just don't know what because it was sealed. What would be interesting to know is whether the juvenile court that handled the oldest son's case issued orders that the son wasn't supposed to be alone with the younger children OR whether that was a family court judge's order which arose independently outside of the juvenile court matter and based upon hearsay. Of course, the likelihood that Lori was denied her civil rights and due process is extremely high in the CT Family Court system and if true, the entire situation that is going on is a farce. At the same time, a good majority of family court victims, which includes me, have been required to obey totally outrageous orders and we did obey them because that is the law. The fact that orders are outrageous and ridiculous and obtained in violation of our constitutional rights does not justify flouting them. How many of us gritted our teeth and obeyed the court orders in our cases, or at least did our best, rather than flagrantly going up against them in what appears to be an outright and in your face manner.

  68. Honestly, you don't know and should not comment. The family has suffered enough - focus should be on reforming this hopelessly corrupt "family" court system.

  69. You likely saw Ms. Thaner's testimony in opposition to Bozzoto's re-appointment (if not, you can find it on YouTube). You tell me which of the judges stupid orders she cites you would grit your teeth and tolerate. And there were likely numerous ridiculous orders she DID tolerate and Bozzuto would just keep upping the ante. There is no accountablity for this judge, and what she is doing in Ms. Thaner's case and several others is corrput and criminal.

    1. Yes, and Judge Bozzuto is not the only judge who is a problem. I think that each one of us has had to bear some unbelievable court orders. Still, you do have to grit your teeth and tolerate the outrageous and idiot court orders because as bad as it seems, there is worse, and Lori has discovered that. I am not justifying the wrongdoing and abuse of bad judges, attorneys, and GALs, by saying this. I am simply stating the reality of what they can do. We have not yet found a way to stop the abuse.

  70. LOOK there are flaws with I. The legal system in every state. There ate unfit parents who think they ate above the law in every state_hence Lori Thaner
    And there are troubled children in every state,however it is what it is and when the law is broken by a civilian they must pay the consequences
    I think all would agree here.... so that being said Nothing is perfect and no-one is perfect.
    Only GOD

    1. I think where the problem lies and I think this needs to be said again is that jailing a family court litigant for disobeying a court order is quite strikingly out of the ordinary and so it raises the question of whether there is some influence peddling going on here!

    2. Personally, I don't think there is anything that could justify jailing a good mother like Laura Thaner, and that's just bottom line.

  71. Lori may be a good mother which I doubt but nonetheless she is a Fuckup! And that is why she paid the ultimate price
    She has a big mouth with nothing to back it up.she is a broke bitch who thinks she is above the law.

    1. Again, this language is so clearly disrespectful, i.e. on the level of calling Lori "a bucket ho'" etc. that it has zero credibility. Sad.

  72. What am I missing? 128 posts on this sad and horrific issue and no national media coverage to date? Please I appeal to anyone who knows otherwise to advise. Probably some lost souls consider the posts as "fake news". You the readers decide.

  73. This is not fake news it's all real about a mom who thought she could take on the Conn court room _ she must have been doing crack

  74. The little boy in the family is a pedo play toy. Just another Connecticut pedo case. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  75. Galileo was imprisoned for his belief that the earth orbited the sun.



  78. A laugh a minute. Here is the appellate case.....$$$$ paid by public to undo Robert Thaner's stupidity and Norwalk Police incompetence. Bozzuto's judicial retaliation won't stand up to appellate review.

  79. This is Jane Doe, it is sad to look back a year later and see how misinformed the people who commented here were. It is sad that there is so much 'fake news' that is published without confirmation of facts. My appeal is still pending, as you can see with the above link. I am living my life and fighting my fight to the best of my ability. I have a job, pay child support, own my home, pay my taxes and have wonderful friends and family that have stood by me. I barely get by financially, still trying to recover from the damage done in 2017 and from a 10+ year family court battle. For those who were/are in my corner, by my side, wishing me well, thank you for your support. After 4 years at UConn, my oldest son is gainfully employed and living his life. My 2nd son, Bob's oldest, is a Sophomore in HS and thrives in my custody. He is challenged with his advanced placement courses and is a member of the crew, varsity swimming and volleyball teams. He has earned lifeguard certification and hopes to work this summer. Bob refuses to speak to him. The three youngest still live with their father and I have seen two of them. The one daughter I have not seen since she testified for me in court (1/2017), the one who ran away twice, still struggles with all that happened.

    1. Thanks for this followup. You are a very courageous woman.

  80. This is Jane Doe, again. Mr. Thaner passed away in August of 2021. All of my children are over age 18. I am remarried, gainfully employed and have moved out of the state of CT.
