Thursday, August 24, 2017


I obtained the following list of facts from an anonymous mother on the internet.  I don't know who originated the information, but it is all profoundly true. See below:

1. Women do not have an advantage in court. That is a lie. Long ago yes - now NOT AT ALL. 

*Quit the lie. Statistics show in cases tried in court, women lose 82 percent of the time.

2. Don't leave an abusive marriage if you have children. I'm serious. Don't. Until there are changes in DV, society, etc it is too great of a risk.

3. If a parent - man or woman has stayed home for years - giving up careers etc to raise the kids- then damn right they should get alimony. I suggest NEVER give up your career. Too great of a risk.

4. The truth is NEVER told in court and no one is punished for lies and NO ONE cares. Colleagues, friends, everyone will let you down in court because suddenly they don't want to be involved. Promise. You remind them of incidences and they are afraid. Don't expect help from your church either. They will probably suggest you pray more as though you haven't been doing that for years.

5. People don't care about your struggle. They don't really believe the system is crooked and assume you did something really wrong.....promise.

6. Lawyers do NOT care about you. They instigate and they are friends with opposing counsel and the judge. They talk about your case outside of the court. Promise. They are friends in Facebook, instagram.

7. A settlement, divorce agreement - its merely paper."


  1. Add point #8.."fuhgetabout if the male adversary operates his case under the banner of a public service occupation" one cares to explore under the Vander.. Maybe this all will change in a few decades..

  2. Yes I'm dealing with the public service cloak of deceit in TX on a family court issue currently. I need to write a book about it, maybe TV rights! Believe it or not the family court systems inHouston and Austin court districts makes CT Hartford/Bridgeport fam courts appear totally benign. This site needs to expand nationally and uncover the what you don't know won't hurt has out there. Let an ethics class at Yale Law run with the fun and do a study. Quinnipiac does all these polls, get them involved. Where are the creative minds out there? Stir from unconscious slumber!!

    1. Absolutely, you are correct that Texas is horrific. It receives more fatherhood money than any other State, I believe, other than California, which is also severely corrupt.

    2. Tnx for confirming my xperience in TX and the anecdotals that abound there. Totally mystified why state and local news media around the nation don't explore and report on the growing pro-male family court trends. Books could be written on the subject. Program and movie rights! Public service television involvement. Let's all reflect on this!!

  3. All true...every last word of it. And so well put in so few words what I have experienced in 6 years in cT family court...going on pleading 769...last four filed by ex to avoid alimony payments and investment distribution...he filed sanctions against ME!

  4. Each "report story" on this blog should have at end of story a small pink heart and a small blue heart and a "combo pink and blue heart" . What do the hearts signify? Touching the pink heart gives me the op to include my credit card info and donation amount to the legal rights fund associated with this story. Touching the blue heart allows me to contribute to those impacted by every story on this blog in equal percentages, including one I just read..Touching the combo heart allows me to make one payment equally divided between the story (50 percent) with balance going to all other stories legal funds..what think ye?

    1. I'd have to be much more computer savvy than I am to make that happen. However, raising funds for people in need as a result of family court injustice is a very important cause. I haven't yet addressed it, but maybe one day!

    2. Tnx. It's quite doable and lends itself to integrous marketing of the option and a win-win for all involved including the key party, the legal representation and the donor to say nothing of secondary beneficiaries..For that matter I'd like a golden heart that allows direct contributions to this site, Sloper..i think this is a big deal that needs escalation into priority mode..

    3. P s also having run fiduciary money for high net worth individuals for 30 plus years in CT, primarily Irrevocable trusts, this idea lends itself to individuals who want to fund endeavors like this when alive and bequeath money under will. Few people realize many HNW individuals have difficulty funding activities they consider priority. This funding mechanism could be marketed to trust officers in the state. Once successful could be duplicated for state by state adoption..

    4. What's downside in forming a team on this issue and posting a robust story on this site or at least a prelim with the essence of the idea. If there is no "replies" so be it, if there are replies this may be the kickstarter
