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Monday, March 24, 2014


In a September 2013 article by Macklin K. Reid found in "The Ridgefield Press", Attorney Sharon Dornfeld adds new insight into the definition of domestic violence:
"Caveman behavior — a husband screaming at his wife, beating her, demanding obedience, subservience, sex — may still be the classic face of domestic violence, but it is no longer viewed as the only face.
“People think of domestic violence as somebody hitting the other person, smacking them with a frying pan,” said Attorney Sharon Dornfeld. “But the understanding of it has evolved to be a much broader set of things. The term that is typically used now is ‘coercion and control.’ ”

Just as a note of interest, last year Attorney Sharon Dornfeld completed a stint as Chairwoman of the CT Bar Association's Family Law Division.  Even more recently, she acted as Co-Chair of the controversial Task Force held at the Legislative Office Building in regard to the role of Guardians Ad Litem in complex custody cases.
For more information on this topic, please click on the link below:


  1. Sharon Dornfeld may be "current" in her understanding of domestic violence issues, but the woman is from an another era when it comes to understanding addiction. She does a huge disservice to the recovery community.

  2. This is laughable. This woman is the most corrupt, incompetent lawyer who will not help your children. She tortures them and the families she works with. She does not promote peacefulness or co-parenting. This way she gets paid for months and months of unnecessary legal bills. She is an embarrassment to CT GALS and the entire legal system.
