"The women of the men’s rights movement are an interesting lot. Anne Cools, who delivered the opening remarks at A Voice for Men’s inaugural conference, is the founder of one of Canada’s first domestic violence shelters, the first black person appointed to the Canadian Senate and the first black woman to serve as a senator in all of North America. But as Mariah Blake of Mother Jones pointed out in a piece on several of the movement’s most prominent women, Cools also believes that “behind every abusing husband is an abusing mother” and that feminism is a “personality disorder” that seeks to “dominate and terrorize.” Janet Bloomfield, the social media director for A Voice for Men, writes quite a lot about the respect she has for women and their many choices, but also thinks that single mothers are “bona fide idiots” who don’t “give a shit” about their children. (Bloomfield included these observations in a blog post on why men should never date single mothers. Most men, according to Bloomfield, prefer women in possession of a uterus with “no previous occupants.”)..."