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Showing posts with label FOREIGN HELD ASSETS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOREIGN HELD ASSETS. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


John Doe No. 1, please.

               (Pause in the proceedings.)

               MR. JOHN NO. 1:  Good morning, Your Honors.

               CHIEF JUSTICE ROGERS:  Good morning.

               MR. JOHN DOE NO. 1:  My name is John Doe and I am a former citizen of the state of Connecticut who currently still has litigation in the state of Connecticut and my choice to speak anonymously today is no sign of disrespect for this Court or for this state; however, all of us who opt to choose self-representation in the courts in the state of Connecticut have been victimized by discriminatory conduct in the construction of the rules of practice formulated since 1968 when the legislature ceased conducting public hearings as required by Connecticut General Statute 51-14(a).

               As a self-represented party who has been victimized by the denial of access of my due process and equal-protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment by the family court system of the state of Connecticut, it is imperative that this discrimination against pro se representatives cease and desist and cease and desist immediately.

               Today, I am proposing the following forms in family matters be modified: 

               (1) That all financial affidavits using the form JD-FM-6 or any document filed in lieu of JD-FM-6 as a financial affidavit shall be signed under the penalties of perjury by each litigant and by their counsels;

               (2) The financial affidavit form JD-FM-6 shall contain specific questions that reference gross income and assets that are “foreign-held assets” declared on Federal IRS Form 1116 or on Federal IRS Form FBAR TD F 09-22.1;

               (3) The financial affidavit form JD-FM-6 shall add a specific section in the gross income assets section which declares assets held in any state in the United States or territory.  The use of moving assets to foreign countries during a divorce proceeding was cited in the The Wall Street Journal as one of the top six reasons why 57,000 Americans moved assets to UBS, which paid a $970 million fine in February of 2009. 

               Judges in Connecticut cannot allow lawyers who serve in the family commission to use “attorney-client privilege” with a trust attorneys [sic.] overseas or foreign and domestic estate attorneys to move assets overseas or to another state to avoid truthful disclosures of assets in a divorce proceeding or a modification of children’s expenses proceeding post-judgment.

               (1)  The following Practice Book rules should be created concerning property distribution:  (1)  New Practice Book Rule 25-19a.  In any final dissolution order issued by a trial court as a MOD, if the value of an asset cannot be determined at the time of the dissolution of marriage and if the value of that asset is incorporated into the property dissolution orders as alimony by the trial court, the portion of the property distribution declared as alimony shall be declared as non-modifiable.

               (2)  New Practice Book Rule 20-7.  Any litigant, pursuant to Rules of Professional Conduct 1.OC (as read) may submit in writing written request to a judicial authority in any proceeding to require a court reporter be assigned in chambers to make an official record of any conversations conducted in a family matter and the following Practice Book rule shall be modified to include the following provision:  Practice Book Rule 25-61(h) and Practice Book Rule 1-13A shall both be amended so that all sworn statements of expenses, assets, etcetera, shall be filed on Form JD-FM-6 or any other sworn financial affidavit filed by any judicial -- with any judicial authority and 1-13A shall be amended to add the following language:  No self-represented party can be incarcerated without being provided counsel. 

               These rule modifications are necessary to prevent the continuing discrimination which is represented in current Practice Book rules.

               Thank you very much, Your Honors.

               CHIEF JUSTICE ROGERS:  Thank you. 

               JUSTICE ZARELLA:  Thank you. 

               CHIEF JUSTICE ROGERS:  John Doe No. 2?

               (Pause in the proceedings.)