In 1990 Carolyn Battista of "The New York" times discussed Divorce in Connecticut with Attorney Gaetano Ferro! Here we can see the seeds of today's divorce conflicts in yesterday's demands that people--women?-- "be reasonable."
"CHANGES in society and in the law have brought changes in divorce, says Gaetano Ferro, a lawyer in Westport. Reasons for divorce as well as settlements and child-custody arrangements are changing, he said, yet many people are still dissatisfied with the process of of dissolving a marriage.
Courts in the state deal reasonably well with divorce, and couples can minimize its trauma, said Mr. Ferro, who wrote and published ''The Divorce Book, A Step-by-Step Guide to Separation or Divorce in Connecticut.'' The Wilton resident is the chairman of the family-law section of the Connecticut Bar Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers..."