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Thursday, September 23, 2010


I haven't had a chance to blog anything new--missed yesterday! I'm very busy putting a brief together for an appeal. This takes a lot of time, folks, so I'm very much caught up in this task.

Of course, since I'm self represented and don't have much of a background, my appeal will be a little thing--ten pages or so. But looking through the appellate clerk's window I see appeals that are absolutely enormous, multiple page tomes.

I was reading the instructions on how to put together the appendix (or appendices?!?!) --apparently, 50 pages are the limit, so I'd better be careful, and for the actual brief its intended for, 35 pages are the limit , so I'd better be short winded.

OK. Well, I guess I'm super short winded. But the instructions did say quality not quantity is important, so if I have erred on the side of quality, so much the better for me.

To be honest, my brain cells are rubber because I was pulling together other documents over the weekend and at the beginning of the week, and honestly guys, how much of this constant reasoning can you do before you start visualizing that your brain has turned into a rubber turkey!

Inbetween it all I have been reading this very fascinating book on the discovery of insulin called "Breakthrough". Well, if I ever wondered about why it has been so difficult for the court to simply discover common sense, all I have to do is read this book where the discovery of insulin presented such great challenges. It's all the same thing, I guess--flawed human beings trying to learn how to improve their thinking.

Quite a remarkable enterprise! So, I'm off to make copies of this thing I've been putting together. And, by the way, the clerk working with me is being so nice, because I'm an itty bitty past the deadline! Oops! Anyway, have a great day and knock 'em dead guys!

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