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Saturday, September 10, 2011


I always believe in going with my gut, and when my gut tells me that there is something fishy about a person I'm usually right. That's why if I keep on getting that little nudge from inside telling me I should check up on someone, I usually follow it. 

There are several ways to get information on people in the judicial system.  One way is to drop by the various support groups for domestic violence held around the state.  It is within those groups that all the gossip takes place about different judges and lawyers, GALS, and mental health professionals. Some of my best conversations about lawyers, judges, and shrinks and what they are up to have taken place within those groups. 

 Members of these groups swap experiences and elaborate on all the details you might have missed about a particular lawyer or judge or mental health professional, unhampered by the obstacles of convention and the presumption of respect for a professional.  Once you have been threatened and/or tortured either emotionally or physically and have watched your attorney or judge make fun of your attempts to obtain the protection you need all that respect disappears really quickly. 

One way to obtain information about attorneys is to look up their case load on the judicial website at:  If you review these cases online, you can get a good overview of the kinds of cases your attorney takes on and find out what happened in each of those cases. The case details (list of all pleadings and rulings in a case) will be available online and in many of the civil cases you can actually view the documents in a case online. 

If you are unable to obtain those documents online, you can then go to the clerk's office in family or civil court and request any files that you want.  The majority of case files are readily available to the public upon request. 

The other thing that you can do is use the internet to locate the contact information of litigants who have been represented by a particular lawyer.  Once you have these litigants on the phone, you have a good chance of asking questions which will provide further detail about that lawyer.  As I have said, if an attorney is doing it to you, he is most likely doing it to everyone else.  If a judge is doing it to you, all the way down the line, that judge is probably doing it to everyone else.  If a mental health professional is doing it to you, he is most likely doing it to others. 

Don't just check the judicial website, also make sure you investigate the records of the Statewide Grievance Committee which are also online and see if any of the attorneys who wrecked your case, wrecked other people's cases.  You'd be amazed at the information you will find out about what these scummy lawyers have done to other people just like you.  

And don't forget google.  I recently typed the name of a therapist I had a few decades ago onto google and found out that he had been involved in medicare fraud.  That really blew my mind.  I mean, here I had spent several years in therapy with this person and it turned out that he was a common criminal.  Really, think about it, how many of these white collar criminals are out there along with my old therapist.  I'll tell you now---a whole lot of them! 

When I was observing Judge Herbert Barall during my visits to the courthouse and saw how outrageously he behaved, all I had to do was google him on the internet to find out that he had a history of behaving outrageously in the Wiegand/Wilkerson case. 

Really, evil behavior is addictive.  People who indulge in vicious criminal behavior will never be able to do it just once.  So look around, ask around, check the internet, go to meetings, talk to people, check in the clerk's office, follow the stinky trail straight to the fish bodies.  At the very least, you will meet your suffering comrades in arms, and at the very best, you will have found others who will validate your experience and strengthen your resolve to fight on and achieve success in your case and change the system for the better.

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