PLEASE NOTE: This blog is a bigotry free zone open to all persons, regardless of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, political affiliations, marital status, physical or mental disability, age, or sexual orientation. Further, this blog is open to the broad variety of opinions out there and will not delete any comments based upon point of view. However, comments will be deleted if they are worded in an abusive manner and show disrespect for the intellectual process.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Folks, my computer has somehow picked up a virus.  This always happens to me when I try to download a free application.  Remind me never to attempt to download any more free viruses!  Unfortunately, this means I can't respond to anyone's postings individuallly right now. 

Anyway, before I take this computer off to be de-virused, I did want to comment about some postings I have seen on this site.  I hope that readers understand that what I am endorsing in my blogsite is justice for everyone and this means due process, ADA rights, the rule of law, an impartial judge, all those rights which are based upon our constitutional rights which should result in fair and equitable decisions by any judge who decides matters in a divorce case. 

Right now there is a plague of good mothers across this country who are losing their children to abusive and criminal fathers.  Many are losing their children because the judical system has been infiltrated with millions and millions of HHS dollars that are funding these cases.  It is a national holocaust. 

The fact that I recognize this, and others commenting on this website recognize this, should not be taken as an indication that I am against good fathers who have also been screwed by the judicial system.  They are all out there as well and I am fully in support of their goals to obtain justice and due process rights within Family Court.  If there is anything we and I can do to support responsible fathers who have found themselves attacked unfairly in Family Court, we need to help these folks out. 

I hope that good fathers who review comments on this website, who see hurt and upset comments from women who have been hurt by Family court and by abusive men, don't make the assumption that these comments also apply to them.  Protective Mothers and Good Fathers have a common goal of achieving justice within the Family Court system, and while much distrust and suspicion is out there because each of us has been hurt by members of the opposite gender, it is my hope that we can stand together when it comes to the goal of supporting good parents, first of all, and second, working for the overarching goal of eliminating the abuses of Family Court. 

Let me repeat:  It is so important for worthy people not to attack one another, but instead to work together for the common good. 

Also, it is so important for good fathers to understand the bitterness of protective mothers and recognize that comments which apply to fathers who are abusive are most likely not intended to apply to good fathers, of which there are many out there.  I thank God for my father every day!  He was a truly great man. Likewise, I would hope that protective mothers who read comments by good fathers who have been mistreated in family court do not make assumptions that the hurt comments apply to them.

There are good fathers out there and I support them, and I know that protective mothers would generally agree with that that they stand behind the hurt, the abused and the vulnerable, which includes good fathers who have had their rights denied in family court. 

So let's stand together, reach out and support each other, and I hope everyone understands, you who have been abused, both economically, physically, and in other ways, you are fully supported here on the blog.  Also, when it comes to lost reputation.  The bible says that a person who bears false witness against another is essentially doing the same as committing murder.  For you who have lost reputation due to the lies and disgraceful behavior of an abusive former spouse, this blog against supports and understands your struggle. 

This goes for all Protective Mothers and Good Fathers. 

We are here to create change for our children's sake, to make the world a better place, to have America live up to its creed of liberty and justice for all.  We are not here to tear each other down when all of us know our enemies have done enough of that already. 

So I would advise readers of this blog--don't mistakenly make assumptions about what a hurt person is saying, don't assume that it means you personally.  Give one another the benefit of the doubt, and recognize, none of us here condones injustice on any level, not for Protective Mothers and not for Good Fathers. In this movement, when we talk about "justice", we aren't talking about justice for special people, we are talking about justice for ALL.  So let us stand together, united, for the cause of justice and freedom, renounce bitterness towards one another, recognizing we have all suffered deeply, and march forward shoulder to shoulder.

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