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Monday, October 8, 2012


Have you ever heard the saying that "Too many cooks will spoil the soup?"  Well, let me tell you how many cooks were in this case. 
We have here Judge Constance Epstein, Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone, Judge John Brennan, Judge John Caruso, Judge Jorge Simon, Judge Herbert Barall, Judge Stephen Frazzini, Judge Richard Dyer, Judge Edward Dolan, Judge Linda Prestley, and Judge Gerard Adelman. 
Then post judgment we have Judge Harris Lifshitz, Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Leslie Olear, Judge Carbonneau, and Judge David Dee. 
That makes just about 16 judges and from the look of this case which has lasted from 2007 up until the present the results haven't been that successful. 
It is amazing when you consider it.  Can you imagine the sum total of the education that all these outstanding jurists have had, the years of experience between all of them, and yet they cannot seem to establish results in a case like this which will lead to a working relationship between these two litigants. 
I'll bet you I could get some good results pretty quickly.  For one thing, give the child back to the Mother where she belongs. That would be a really good start.  The only reason the Father in this case wants this child is for power, money, control, and ego. 
How do I know this?  I'll tell you how I know this because the ruling in the Memorandum of Decision dated March 28, 2011 states, "The plaintiff Father did not appear to have played a very significant role initially in his daughter' care once the parties separated." 
But if you look at the very first thing this Father did upon filing for a divorce, it was to file a custody application for the child.  Then he proceeded to file two ex parte applications for custody and also filed for child support.  Great start!  Dump the child on the Mother, then file for custody and child support. 
So then you read through the Memorandum of Decision, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah, residential custody to father, sole decision making to Father, and then you get to the factual findings in the case and guess what, lo and behold, it looks like the child is living with Father in the paternal Grandparent's house. 
So guess what?  Who do you think is really taking care of this child? 
In essence, the trial court has taken the child out of the care of her Mother and passed her over to the care of the Grandparents who are probably behind the whole thing. 
I'm loving all the praise Father is getting on his way to residential custody and sole decision making--to loosely quote, "Father has assumed full responsibility for the child's care since early August 2008 and, by all accounts, has done well ever since."  Sure he has done well.  So have Grandma and Grandpa. 
Mr. Case (Father) has described "the parties' participation in the Families In Transition Program (FIT) run by The Children's Law Center as a "horrible experience."  Why?  Because the therapist didn't agree with him all the time? Because he was actually asked to consider how his ex might feel? Bummer.  I know that really sucks. 
So I know you readers must be really interested in knowing exactly how Ms. Jones (Mother) lost custody to the Father.  You must be imagining that she didn't feed the child, or maybe she left the child at home while she went shopping, or maybe her house was crawling with bugs or something awful. 
You would be wrong if that is what you thought. 
What happened is that in August 2008, Ms. Jones had attempted for weeks in advance to get Father to care for the child for an extended weekend so she could go on vacation.  Apparently, it was his weekend anyway and all that was necessary was for him to agree to take care of the child for one additional day. 
Instead of saying yes or no, that he could either take the child or not during that planned vacation, Mr. Case hemmed and hawed, and then at the last minute said no.  In response, Ms. Jones took the child to day care with extra clothing and a car seat and went off on the planned vacation.  In response, Mr. Case filed one of his lovely ex parte motions for custody.
This was sufficient for the Family Court to shift custody from Mother to Father and to give Father residential custody and decision making at that time. 
Now my reaction to that is, you are kidding me.  You are kidding me.  But no, it was not a joke. 
Then, our pal Dr. James C. Black gets involved and carries out a custody evaluation for an entire year and a half.  Again, I am appalled. We are talking a year and a half of torturing a Mother in regard to whether she is going to get her child back or not. 
Readers, do you understand that even in the most high conflict types of cases, some of them considerably more embroiled and complicated than this one, a custody evaluation should take no longer than three to five months, when done by ethical clinicians.
Apparently, the wicked Mother was responsible for this state of affairs because she did not "cooperate with the evaluation in a timely fashion."  I wouldn't have cooperated with this evaluation either since it seems as though it was stacked against her. 
It doesn't matter if Mother cooperated or not.  The evaluation should have been completed sooner for the sake of the parties and for the sake of the child. 
What was Dr. James C. Black thinking of?  Oh, Dr. Black doesn't think.  You're right.  I forgot about that. 
The Memorandum of Decision talks about Father removing the Mother's name from school records and telling school officials that he has sole custody.  It talks about Father playing games so the Mother was unable to see their child.  It all rings so true to me, and the Trial Court seemed to agree.  Still, in this case, the custody went to the Father.
And in doing so, the Trial Court admonished the parties to work together on getting along for the benefit of the child.  However, the problem with this kind of thinking is that when a person has been cheated and defrauded as this Mother was, when she has been manipulated by the system into losing her child, this is the kind of injustice that such a Mother will never be able to come to terms with. 
And that is why there are just as many motions and hearings post judgment as there were prior to judgment. 
This was only to be expected.  This is the human response to great wrong.  You would think that Family Court would try to avoid results like this.  But probably not. 
I'm sure many of you have heard of the millions and millions of dollars that the Department of Health and Human Services has been giving to attorneys and custody evaluators who assist men in obtaining custody of their children, taking them away from fit mothers.  This case, in particular, gives me the feeling that money changed hands, people profited, and this Mother was denied her rights as a parent. 


  1. I am a mother, too, and have been involved in the Connecticut family court system and had numerous custodial battles with my ex-husband for the last 12 years. Yes, 12 whole years. I, too, think the CT courts make a LOT of bad decisions and get upset with the court frequently. And I have dealt with many of the judges listed above, too. BUT...what kind of parent ditches their child at a daycare and goes on vacation?? That mother IS an unfit parent and doesn't deserve to be the residential custodial parent. In this case, I think the CT made a good decision for a change.

    1. WOW. How dare you snap judge this poor mother. You are NO better than the judges who stand there as god with a gavel. Shame on you. Shame on you. Why cant she take a vacation? Why? Married parents do it all the time. Why are parents divorcing held to a standard NOONE can meet. She did not ditch her child any moron could see that. She did not deserve to lose custody. Any moron could see that. My ex pulled the same crap on me. Its people like you who justify abusers. I really hope you take a good look at yourself and how quick you were willing to just deem her unfit and take her CHILD away. Over a sentence YOU Didnt understand. Dont throw stones my friend we all live in glass houses.

    2. I am totally with you here. I find the response of that critical "Mom" above completely baffling.

    3. Thank you w ssack for understanding.
      Since June of 2013 this "unfit" mom as I was called has my daughter back where she belongs. Happy, healthy & getting the medical attention her father neglected when he had her because it was "too hard to do everything" according to him.

      But enough of the negative..the positive is that my daughter is doing better with the appropriate parent. So much so that even long involved medical professionals have noticed & are happy she's back where she started & belongs.

    4. Yes, and Dr. Black is dead, and all I can say is good riddance.

    5. I will say I've never reveled in someone's death before and I am sorry for his family's loss but the man was not a good person. I'm glad he can no longer damage any more family's with his ignorance and lies.
      I still have his report that I want to use when I can find a lawyer who will help me appeal all this nonsense and make those who were wrong accountable for their actions.

    6. I totally agree. What kind of mother ditches her kid out of spite. I hope the child remains with the father. They're better off.

    7. I think you are inaccurate to say it was out of spite. This was a clear cut example of coercive control, and the father's later abandonment of the child confirms that.

  2. Well, I may not have described the situation correctly in that the father was informed to pick the child up. I hear your point, but I think that the mother was deliberately set up and I think that the father should be flexible enough to care for the child when the mother has a pre planned vacation. When the father refused to answer and cooperate with making the plans, he was a fault and deliberately setting her up. Plus, I don't believe for a minute that father is taking care of the child not then and not now.

    1. This is the problem the court has to deal with,,,he said she said bullshit.
      Each parent complaining about petty bullshit and not truly caring about the innocence of a child and how precious that is.
      Family court like all cpurt is about justice and correcting a wrong.
      All I read and listen to is drama that if both parties just shut the fuck and find mutual understanding in Parental care, not allow other to interfere then 95% of the problem is gone.
      The other 5% is serious. Those that use children to hold power over the other parent.
      Stop pointing the finger, a vacation really??? The vacation is watching your children grow every moment. Teaching and showing them the beauty of life. How to be blossom into outstanding adults.
      The blame is on you! For sitting on your ass and just complaining about everyone else grow up

    2. So essentially, what you are saying is that the mother should never have a vacation while raising her children. No time off period. If father makes an arrangement to have parenting time and that time has been scheduled in advance, if he doesn't show up, he is excused from all responsibility. After all, what more could you expect from a man. If a mother doesn't show up, well, let's just condemn her and permanently take her child from her and give the child to the grandparents since, as we know, father is a schmuck. There is no he said, she said about that. Those are the facts as documented.

  3. No, you explained it perfectly. Frankly, I just don't understand the mother's actions. Children must always come first. Vacations are not important.

  4. Yes, well, my understanding is that the father has taken a permanent vacation and has left the child in the care of the Grandparents. I am not sure that's much better. A ploy to deny a fit mother custody of her child is just that -- a ploy.

  5. Dear Anonymous:
    Yes the vacation was preplanned over 30 days in advance but as always my ex decided at the last minute (day of actually) not to follow thru with what was agreed upon which was if he took her 2 extra days I would count it as ONE week off the 2 weeks he was suppose to take her for his court ordered visitation WHICH by that time he had taken neither. I took care of our child for 8yrs with no help from him monetarily or visitation while I worked 2 jobs to support my child. It wasnt until the courts ordered him to finally pay child support (which I never got on time due to excuses & one time a check written on a closed account) that he decided to tell the courts false allegations to obtain MY child & to stop his child support. Now he has another child who he doesnt pay child support for & refuses to uphold court orders to see that one going on almost 8yrs. So before you fully outright judge someone who you dont know maybe offer sympathy until you know otherwise. Being a single parent to a special needs child takes a lot & I was doing very well until this. My daughter wants to come home since day 1 of this case. So I will continue to fight for my rights that have been grossly taken away without just cause.

  6. I totally agree. Thanks for providing the clarification. Anonymous who wrote the remark you responded to is totally creepy.

  7. When you are in the truth you have no problem telling the masses. I have NOTHING to hide because I am not lying to abuse the system. Im even willing to forgo child support from him for the rest of my daughters life if he stops this nonsense. Ive supported her before without his help & I can do it again. I only wanted him to be a MORE involved parent for the sake of the love that his daughter has for him. Just because the home is broken doesnt mean the connection has to be also.

  8. Fact ...court appointed doctors , gal , Psy , lawyers, judges, etc...DO NOT CARE ABOUT CHILDREN. The more commotion and excessive evaluating , litigation helps to build up their bank accounts at the expense of innocent children. They will not fix the real problem, because it would be to easy. Along with losing potential $.

  9. I agree Anonymous..this Family Court system is not doing what it is suppose to be doing which is to think in the best interest of the child.
    Thankfully I can say my daughter's father has finally got over his ego trip & my daughter is home where she belongs again..
    No thanks to the court system who kept us at each others throats so we couldnt talk civilly to one another for years.

    1. Jen ur right he hasn't seen her in over 8 years and doesn't call nothing and she is hurting due to this she has tried calling and righting with response but she got lucky she has a step dad in her life that stepped in the past 11 years im sorry ur going through this its not right at all

    2. i would definetly be open to any help and advice for a case like this i am going through

  10. This is such exciting news!!!! It is really wonderful when there is a positive outcome to a case.

  11. i an also going through this same great injustice. Judge Carbonneau of norwich granted my son to his egotistical father who has grazed in and out his life for the last 8 yrs. for no legal reason whatsoever but to "give him a chance" who does that? i need help and cant afford an attorney, any help or advice is welcome.

    1. mya fletcher
      Try asking for a court appointed lawyer or call 211 to get a list of lawyers who may help you in this type of case. Also get a pad & start a diary like log for all parental interactions like visitations/pick up/drop off etc. Also keep all text messages & voice mails.
      These are admissible in court now


  13. Hi Jen,
    I was wondering if you could help me with my case and provide some input? Is there an email I could reach you at?

    Thanks in advance,
