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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Do you believe that the State of Connecticut’s “family” court is a better parent than you are?

Would you like to help children and families around our state? Please join us on Saturday, March 2 at Zandri's Stillwood Inn along with other parents, grandparents and those who would like to change the law in Connecticut as it relates to co-parenting after a divorce, parental alienation and the appointment of Guardian Ad Litems.

Connecticut State Senator Len Fasano proposed Bill No. 77 (see below), which I have attached for you to review and we need YOUR support on March 2 and in other ways moving forward. If you would like to support this bill, please join us and RSVP.

Please note: We will have other elected officials, local TV, newspapers and radio on site to show support as well. There will be a press conference to invite hundreds to the Capitol in the upcoming weeks for our public hearing on Bill No. 77. Please join us, make a difference and show your support for our children.

Location: Zandri's Stillwood Inn
1074 South Colony Road, Route 5
Wallingford, CT 06492

Date: Saturday, March 2, 2013 9:45am-12:30pm

Bill 77 -
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
That sections 46b-56 and 46b-56a of the general statutes be amended to provide that (1) in determining custody of a minor child there shall be a presumption in favor of shared custody, (2) the court, when ordering shared custody, shall adopt a parental responsibility plan that provides for the parents to share legal decision-making and maximizes parenting time, and (3) any parent who misleads the court in a proceeding involving custody of a minor child shall be subject to a civil penalty.
Statement of Purpose:
To establish a presumption of shared custody in a dispute involving the custody of a minor child.


  1. I will say I have concerns that Item #3 in this bill could be nothing but trouble, but the rest sounds promising.

  2. Re: Bill 77 A parent could make false accusations against the other parent to sabotage the attempt at shared parenting. The language needs to be more clear as to what the violations might be. John DiBiase My ex has told many lies about me to both the court and DCF.

  3. Yes, John, I agree with you absolutely. I was going to say "mislead" has to be as vague as it gets. Someone needs to fix the languaging!

  4. CGS already requires that the Court provide a reason why cusotdy is being taken away from a parent.

    My court order says essentially that I have no personality and that it alienates parents hurting my chidren. That's hogwash. There were no witnesses saying that during 6 days of trial. I merely antagonized the wrong person by asking them to place all of the facts of the case before the court and bruised their ego because I insisted that. I've shwoed it to 2 lawyers and they both at my decision very warily. They appear to be too scared to come out and say it is BS but were very interested to know which judge would sign this hogwash. I will bring my court decision and past motions which were completely IGNORED in the final decision to hand out.

  5. This bill does nothing to address the fact that the judge washes their hands of everything by just listening to the GAL. The GAL does NOT have to submit any evidence to support their claim. That's against the law as it denies the parties involved due process if they can't afford their own specialist to counter the GAL. Corrupt GAL's must be EXPOSED and held liable for their actions.

  6. I am also concerned that HB 77 really isn't helpful. I just hope this is a chance for people to get together and talk and I hope come up with some more substantive ideas.
