Have you or anyone you know filed a complaint with the CT Department of Public Health against the following:
Dr. Sidney Horowitz
Dr. Howard Krieger, or
Dr. Kenneth Robson?
What was the outcome?
If you would like to have your voice heard (anonymously or publicly) please contact me via email and provide me with a copy of the complaint and the date upon which it was made. All copies of complaints will be kept confidential.
add Ralph Balducci of Westport to the list. He cuts and pastes evals, took my personal documents hand-delivered by my ex without my knowledge, added them to his eval of both of us, filed unscrupulous and sloppy evals with the court before I signed any med. waiver, referred to me by three different names in paper and said we would have to pay him $600 to discuss any and all corrections. Balducci was assigned to us and paid for by the state- clearly I couldn't afford his rate. Now that it has been submitted it is forever an untouchable document that destroyed my life. I read a review of a father praising him for his fem-bias.