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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


After an extensive investigation, Journalist Anne Stevenson has discovered a broad based web of corruption throughout the Connecticut Judicial System. 
Essentially, certain Connecticut Judges and Judicial Branch Managers have been promoting the business interests of a private vendor, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), a Wisconsin based organization. 
In several family court cases these judges while on the Board of Directors of the AFCC have directed business towards family court professionals who are members of that organization. 

Some of the judges whose actions are currently under scrutiny are Judge Lynda Munro and Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone.  Judge Munro is particularly known for her decision in the case Liberti v. Liberti where she handed over sole custody of the parties' son to the father who was alleged to have abused him.  For more information on this case, see the link below:

Among family court professionals, a name that has come up frequently in regard to a high volume of referrals and questionable billing practices is Dr. Sidney Horowitz who was infamously associated with the Susan Skipp case where Ms. Skipp was wrongly denied access to her children.  And further there is the case of Mr. Paul Boyne who has not  been able to see his children since 2007.
The result is that these professionals have obtained a remarkably high proportion of case assignments from the Connecticut Judicial Branch. Again, some of these cases led to fit parents being completely denied access to their children in decisions that appear not to have made any legitimate sense.
Furthermore, there have been billing irregularities committed by these family court professionals which should be further investigated. 
Apparently, the AFCC has been doing business in this manner for over 30 years "and, at one point, even had a corporate office within the Hartford Superior Court." 
What is particularly troubling is that the AFCC has done this even though it is not registered to do business in the State of Connecticut, an outright violation of this state's "Nonstock Corporations Act." 
What we ask for--no--what we demand--is a complete investigation into this ongoing corruption and profiteering which has been taking place in our Judicial System, rising now to the highest levels of the system--to the judges and administrators themselves all the way down to modest clerks and low level functionaries who have been convinced that it is in their best interests to join this organization if they want to prosper in their employment with the judicial branch. 

The actions of the AFCC here in Connecticut, and of the legal professionals who run the organization, show an arrogant disregard for the law and for the ethical conduct of legal proceedings.  Above all, their actions represent a gross violation of the public trust which these judges and attorneys are sworn to uphold. 

Yesterday, several citizens appeared at a Judicial Ethics Committee meeting expecting that members of this Committee would address this urgent issue. Instead, the Committee frittered away its time discussing a minor unrelated issue for 30 minutes, and then cut the meeting short. 

The news is that Citizens of the State of Connecticut are sick and tired of getting the brush off, they are sick and tired of judges and abusive family court professionals stealing their children and their life long savings.  Yet these endless Commissions and Committees run by the Judicial Branch waste our time and taxpayer money trying to avoid accountability!

I say--enough is enough!
For further information regarding this outrage, please see the link below: 


  1. I agree - this is awful and needs to be investigated. But an outrage? No. Don't weaken your piece with overblown rhetoric.

  2. awesome, judge munro presides over all ct family courts. overblown? tell me why i haven't seen my kids in three years?

  3. Yeah, well, I know my language is a little out there, but I don't know about you. I am damn sick and tired of waiting for justice. Enough already. It is time for some action here.

  4. This type of Corruption is going on in the New Jersey Courts as it pertains to Trial Transcriptions Service. The Hunterdon County Transcripts Operations Department always refers you to J & J Transcription Services. The NJ Rules of the Court state a maximum amount that can be charged per page transcribed. The Transcription Department interprets this as that this fee per page must be paid or a transcriber is breaking the law. I found someone who would do the transcription for 25% less and when they called the Operations Department they were told that they would be breaking the law if they did not charge the fee as stated in the rule. When you speak to a transcriber who will do it for less they ask you not to reveal their name to J&J. The Transcription Department is funneling work to J&J Transcribers and interpreting the law, which is beyond their purview.

    1. Do you also have the problem that the transcriptionists sometimes alter the record, sometimes deleting what was said or editing what was said? That happens all the time in CT.

  5. People its going on all over the USA, kids are being farmed by these Judges and Lawyers, Family Courts, Criminal Court are so corrupt with these people called Judges, They have killed Marrige a person got to be sick to tie the knot. I am a vet of Desert Storm, I have more respect from the Iraqi people that tried to kill me than our criminal Justice System. Families have being destroyed by these criminal.

    1. I am on your side on this one. Yes, I would never, ever be stupid enough to marry again and when my children consider marriage I will give them full information on how to protect themselves and I will make sure they follow through. No one is safe the way our judicial systems are organized. They make a mockery of the word justice.

    2. Catharine, I agree with you 100%. my feeling has been to tell my children "how the games are played". While I taught them to respect the law and if you do right you will be fine. That is not what I would say after my horror story starting 1994. I would teach them that the one who lies the best wins... I also would tell them to never trust. Now is this how they should be taught in our legal system?

  6. I think you have to be clear with young people about the reality of living in America today otherwise they will also end up as victims. I definitely let my kids know how not to be stupid. So if that is what you are doing with your kids, sounds good to me. I think we have to be realistic and prepare our children so they can protect themselves.

  7. This too is happening in North Dakota. Unfortunately people in ND are trained from way back when to look the other way when something is "uncomfortable." It makes me sick! I surely do NOT plan to look the other way and pretend it isn't happening or that my case is one of a kind! And seeing and learning all that I have, I know I am not the only one! North Dakota needs to stop being so ignorant! I plan to fight,, my poor baby girl is depending on me as well as the other mothers and children who will be heading where I am! North Dakota courts are as corrupt as the other sick ones there is probably more of the Federal money corrupted in North Dakota than other state!!!

  8. If you can learn more about the corruption in North Dakota, I will definitely post about it here and also pass it along to other activists who are pursuing the money trail.

  9. Make a difference and sign this petition:

    I too was wronged by the New Haven Connecticut court system.
    Key players, corrupt GAL Tom Esposito, Attorney Donna Wright, and therapist Pat Carl-Standdard. Let's do something to stop parental alienation!



    Mark Jay Lerner, Case No.10-52128(AHWS),


    Ronald Chorches, Trustee for the above-referenced Bankruptcy case, has been paid handsomely for his duties. Yet in an email he wrote to Mark J. Lerner's wife yesterday, Mr. Chorches laughingly reports that he only made $65 on the the fraudulent bankruptcy case of Millionaire Investment Banker Mark J. Lerner, Partner of Chinese Millionaire Media Magnate Bruno Wu.

    Chorches has covered massive amounts of evidence to aid Mark Lerner in his pursuit of his Fraudulent Bankruptcy Petition in the State of Connecticut. Lerner who torched his family's home the night he left the marriage in 2007, hasn't even paid child support for his three children for four years. Lerner has waved his fraudulent bankruptcy as a reason for not paying child support. Mark Lerner has been so empowered by his "payoffs" that he brazenly vacationed in Maui Hawaii, Vail Colorado and at the Trendy Ganesvoort Hotel in South Beach with relationship Partner Jing Yin while committing this fraud. Chorches was aware of it all.

    Chorches has been involved in "covering up" Mark Lerner's hiding a whopping $725,000 in a sibling or step-siblings name, which was listed in another "sworn to " Federal Document that Lerner thought noone would uncover.

    Trustee Chorches was also provide with Mark Lerner's tax returns, deals closed, and Lerner's millions of dollars of expenditures while committing bankruptcy fraud in the State of Connecticut.

    These proceeding are so corrupt, that Lerner has been communicating regularly with Renee Senteio, Court Officer of Judge Shiff's Court. Why was Lerner communicating with Officer Senteio repeatedly?

    Lerner with the help of Ronald Chorches and the Judge Shiff Court has been successful in his pursuit of destroying and bankrupting his wife and 3 children. Lerner is a noted international thug, who actually used contacts in the New York City Police Department to set-up the arrest of his own 20 year Old daughter, to blackmail his wife into settling the divorce for $25,000. Eric Glover, US Attorney, and Judge Shiff's Office was provided with the audio taped recording of the millionaire criminal investment banker's attempt to terrify and shake-down his wife and children into submission.

    Attorney General Jespen and Governor Malloy were also sent the blackmail tape, along with documentation confirming and outlining criminal activity in the Connecticut Bankruptcy Court.

    1. Nothing surprises me anymore. I'm glad you spoke out about this on my website!

  11. This is happening in Alabama with negligence, if not corruption, on the part of the DA's office (losing child porn belonging to father), a counselor creating an interview that never took place, counselors colluding with each other, attorneys lying to the judge, knowingly, etc., etc., resulting in what amounts to selling a child to abusive fathers, leading to risky and dangerous behavior on the part of the minors and destroying the lives of loving family members.
