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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The Coalition for Connecticut Family Court Reform

Good Morning Meetup Members:

Welcome to the new people that signed in.
This opportunity that we have with the public hearing on these matters is the largest opportunity for change that I have seen in my 9 years of coming to family court.  The reason why we are sending out many emails this week is to make sure we are as effective as possible with this one big opportunity that is before us in 2 days.

Please read through the following direction that was given to us from one of our hero task force members, Attny. Jennifer Verraneault, who is truly on the side of the people hurt by the family court professionals that are abusing their role and power.  Please follow it to ensure the whole group's effectiveness.
The language of the bill is very specific and everyone needs to stick with the language and present their testimony as it relates to the language or they will hinder the chance of members asking them questions and for any change to occur. This is an opportunity for their story to be told but only the elements that fit the language of the bill which is what the task force needs to adhere to. They need to be spending their time rehearsing their 3 minute strategy and make sure they are making sure their testimony fits 100% of the language of the bill.

This forum is to help to change the laws as it relates to our 3 charges and costs.  Written testimony submitted can include an autobiography if one feels is necessary but there's only 3 charges put forth and I wanted to make sure everyone crafted their verbal testimony to be as effective as possible.

Public comment relative to: (1) The role of a guardian ad litem and the attorney for a minor child in any action involving parenting responsibilities and the custody and care of a child. (2) The extent of noncompliance with the provisions of section 46b-56 (c)(6) and the role of the court in enforcing compliance. (3) Whether the state should adopt a presumption that shared custody is in the best interest of a minor child in any action involving the custody, care and upbringing of a child.
Below language is part of our statute, which was not included in the public announcement. However, this is part of our charge. It's a very large part of our charge that has been ignored for 4 months by the task force. Please include all documentation of what each parent, grandparent or family friend has spent as the language spells out.

The study (your testimony) shall include, an examination of statutes applicable to an action involving the custody, care and upbringing of a child, and the costs associated with contested divorce actions, including, expert witness fees, attorneys' fees including the fees of guardians ad litem and attorneys for the minor children.
Please let everyone know that their testimony CAN and SHOULD include the costs associated with the above. Our statue is very clear, however, this part of the language was omitted from this announcement on the Judicial Committee website. I encourage everyone to bring bills and to include in their testimony submitted. These has been a bit of confusion as to this very important area that is to be studied and investigated by the task force.

Marisa is adding the following: Please submit copies of ALL of your bills you have available from the past 5 years or plus on these matters in each copy that goes to the task force.  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT GIVING ANY OF THESE BILLS TO THE PRESS. I say that not to hinder openness but to protect our children and ourselves from Too Much Information out there. 

Testimonies if crafted to fit into the language of the bill should be fine for the press, but bills released containing information about health care providers should be given over to task force only. We should ask the task force that those bills be sealed and not put out to the public as individual bills but just to use for data collection purposes. If you desire you can take a black sharpie and black-out any detail you want to remain private - just leave the cost shown.

Please call or email me with any questions, comments or concerns:

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