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Saturday, March 29, 2014


As we get ready for Monday's public hearing, please monitor PAINCT on facebook to get updated information. 

It's really important that your voice be heard on Monday. Our goal is NOT to be "disgruntled parents who didn't get our way" as my former member of the TF to Study the Care and Custody of Minor Children in Legal Disputes, Attorney Sharon Dornfeld is accusing all of us of. We need to stick to facts and give our 3 minute  testimony as to why GALS should be eliminated absent abuse and neglect cases, Equal Shared Parenting is in the best interest of our children and IF our elected legislators cannot eliminate GALS and AMCS due to political pressures, then strict guidelines, oversight and fee caps need to be enforced this legislative session.

The language of Raised Bill No. 494 is not final. Please let your supportors know this fact.  The bill will be amended/changed before it gets voted out of the Judiciary Committee and then the real work begins in the House of Representatives and then the State Senate. 

Don't be discouraged. It's a dictate from above that this GAL system gets fixed so it will be. It's an election year and they all have the best interest of their constituents in mind. I truly believe our elected officials want to do what's best for our children and families of Connecticut; so let's give them facts and reasons to really change a broken and abusive system. 

More details to come throughout this weekend. Please confirm you will be at the hearing on Monday. 

Also, remember the testimony needs to focused on solutions not about our stories. 

Thank you,

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