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Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Below is a copy of the March 25, 2014 ruling in Justina Pelletier's case.  What I find interesting is that CT DCF didn't want to take the case and kept on putting it back in Massachusetts.  I guess CT DCF didn't want to rush in where Angels fear to tread and for once showed some common sense.

I think it is striking how Judge Johnston quoted all these professionals who make negative comments about Mr. and Mrs. Pelletier.  What happened to the Pelletiers is what happens to so many of us, that is, we are abused and attacked and then when we seek to defend ourselves or to position ourselves so our circumstances improve, the Judges, Attorneys, GALs, mental health professionals, and others characterize us as out of control, angry, and unreasonable, etc. 

It is interesting how so many parents who are denied their fundamental human and civil rights, most particularly their rights to due process and to parent their children, when they start to protest this treatment find themselves generally vilified.  I think that is the most deeply hurtful aspect of being subject to these kinds of human rights abuses--the lies that get told about you, and the false characterizations. 

Suddenly, the fact that you have been a good citizen and a good friend to others, the fact that you have given of your strengths and abilities and shown compassion to your neighbors--none of that matters to Family Court or DCF because they are determined to destroy any shred of good reputation you might have in their desperation to justify their wrong doing, using any smear tactics they have available.  Sadly, this is what is happening in the Pelletier case.

Anyway, not to keep carrying on.  If you are interested in the decision, please click on the link below:

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