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Thursday, April 16, 2015


In a recent editorial, The Connecticut Law Tribune stated as follows:

"We have a national excessive use of force problem in our law enforcement community. The onslaught of examples in the last nine months has moved this issue to the forefront. This is not a new issue, but our awareness is particularly heightened in light of the rapid dissemination of written and visual information. Our use of force problem isn't isolated to racially charged communities, although we are more likely to find excessive use of force in urban and large metropolitan areas where, not by coincidence, we are also likely to find minority communities. Use of force is endemic throughout our nation, including a small community in northern Connecticut, as evidenced by allegations reported in this paper as recently as Oct. 22, 2014."

NOTE:  I would say this issue affects persons of color and also very tragically individuals with disabilities, particularly those with development disabilities and mental health disabilities.

Read more at the link below:

1 comment:

  1. Judge Barbara Brazzel-Massaro is up for reappointment this session. When she was before the Judiciary Committee on 4/28/08 she expressed her belief in qualified immunity for police officers, even in excessive force incidents. Let's hope this time the members ask her if her bias can impact her judgment. The transcript, which appeared on Ballotopedia, oddly has been replaced with another transcript. It can be found in the archives on the Judiciary Committee website.
