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Saturday, May 9, 2015


Passed on by Patrice Lenowitz,

"Similarly, we know from our work that when people talk about alienation, they most commonly refer to mothers’ attempts to undermine the children’s relationship with fathers. Rarely do we hear people use the term alienation to describe a tactic that abusive fathers use to undermine the children’s relationship with mothers. Our experience tells us that alienation is a term most often used to counter allegations of abuse made by mothers – not to describe a tactic of abuse utilized by fathers." Battered Women's Justice Project


  1. I have no idea why of all organizations, the Battered Women's Justice project would come to such a ridiculous broad based conclusion. And undermining of the very constituency they portend to protect no less. One wonders what random sample they used to reach such an outrageous conclusion. Clearly they haven't investigated a number of court cases in, for instance, CT. Maybe they should hear from those Mothers who indeed have suffered PAS on the part of Father's, with usually an economic disinfranchisement motive underlying those cases. The efficacy of this Organization's conclusion is specious at best, and highly damaging to Mother's within their own system.

    1. I think you misunderstand the point--as a tactic in court, mother's accusing fathers of PAS does not work. Only fathers can succeed in using PAS as a tactic against mothers in court. Outside of court is another matter. This is because PAS is a theory that was developed for fathers to wrest custody from mothers in family court proceedings.

  2. We've all know this horror has existed for years. Not one legislator will do anything about it and the abuse continues/is facilitated by judges in the corrupt courts of the State of Connecticut. It's abhorable systematic governmental oppression of which they're all aware.
