"Every year, legislative leaders ask the Office of Legislative
Research (OLR) to identify and provide brief descriptions of
important issues that the General Assembly may face in the
upcoming session.
This report represents the professional, nonpartisan views ofstaff in OLR, the Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA), and the
Legislative Commissioners’ Office (LCO) on possible upcoming legislative issues. It does not represent staff suggestions or recommendations.
We identified issues based on interim studies;
research requests; non-confidential discussions with legislators, other legislative participants, and
executive branch agencies; and our general subject matter knowledge..."
'US Concerned Parents' group & MOVEment (I, Cheryl Martone, am organizing this) is having a meeting this weekend 1/7 or 1/8/17 in Fairfield regarding the reappointment of Judge Adelman before it goes to his hearing for reappointment in front of the CT. Judiciary committee, about the pattern of his abuse and wrongful (he put children in harms way) hurtful decisions! All are invited to speak about this aidelmonster , especially if you had/have Adelman in your case, if you have advocated in a parents case, witnessed or court watched in Adelman's room.. screening email me: for date, place and time of this important meeting.. There will also be another meeting about other Judge reappointment hearings! I will also be giving information on what places to make complaint letter (4-5 places) about a certain Judge, aside from writing your testimony of a judge for the hearing can be sent to the CT Judiciary Committee email: written testimony which exceeds 5 single sided pages will only be posted on the The Judiciary Committee's website at the discretion of the judiciary committee Chairs.