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Sunday, February 11, 2018


1 comment:

  1. Following is an excerpt from my letter to US Attorney Deirdre Daly shortly before her resignation:

    "Attorney John Hughes sent me a letter on April 18, 2017, referencing three of my letters to you with his standard response: “…while we have had an investigation of the State Judicial Branch policies regarding ADA, we are not attempting to obtain individual remedies for each complainant.” I then asked him, “What recourse does a person in Connecticut have when they have been discriminated against by the Judicial Branch on the basis of their physical disabilities?” Attorney Hughes violated §§ 35.171 through 35.190 of the ADA Title II Regulations, both in his failure to respond to my question and refer me to an agency that would investigate my complaints, and in conducting a compliance review that did not contemplate: “(2) A description of a remedy for each violation found (including compensatory damages where appropriate); and (3) Notice of the rights and procedures available under paragraph (d) of this section and §§ 35.173 and 35.174.” § 35.172 Investigations and compliance reviews (c). Among those individuals who’ve filed ADA Title II complaints against the Judicial Branch, skepticism has been expressed about the diligence of the DOJ’s compliance review."

    Martin Libbin never sent the DOJ copies of my complaints--which I found out through federal FOIA requests. When informed of this, AUSA Hughes could not have cared less.
