PLEASE NOTE: This blog is a bigotry free zone open to all persons, regardless of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, political affiliations, marital status, physical or mental disability, age, or sexual orientation. Further, this blog is open to the broad variety of opinions out there and will not delete any comments based upon point of view. However, comments will be deleted if they are worded in an abusive manner and show disrespect for the intellectual process.
Showing posts with label JUDGES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JUDGES. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016



The 2016 Judges of the Superior Court Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, June 24, 2016 at 10 a.m. in the Jury Assembly Room, located at 1 Court Street in Middletown. Wheelchair accessibility is through the front door, and meetings are open to the public. If you would like to attend and need an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call Sandra Lugo Ginés at (860) 706-5310 by June 10, 2016.

See the link below for the agenda to the meeting:

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Recently, the media has reported on two high profile cases of child sexual abuse where the perpetrator was able to get away with his abuse for a matter of years.  

The first case reported by Karen Florin of "The Day" on December 26, 2015 "Beemer Children Reveal themselves As victims of Prolonged Sexual Assault" discussed the case in which Robert T. Beemer sexually abused all four of his children. Information regarding his abuse of the children first emerged in 1998 when the two older children--Timothy and Christina Beemer--then 13 and 14 respectively--spoke to a counselor at the Old Lyme, CT youth Services Bureau revealing all four of the Beemer children had been sexually abused.  In 2000, Mr. Beemer was given an eight year sentence; however, as soon as he was released in 2008, his abuse of children began all over again.  

The second case reported by Nestor Ramos and Evan Allen of "The Boston Globe" on January 30, 2016 "State fumbled For Answers While Girl was In Limbo" discussed the case in which a father, James Stanley, was accused of molesting his little girl for five years from the age of 3 to 8 while family court sat around and debated on whether to intervene or not. 

Upon reading these cases, the question most of us are left with is how were these clearly rotten individuals given the freedom to sexually molest these children at will for such lengthy periods of time?  

The answer to that question is more complex than it would initially appear.   The statistics on child sexual abuse are as follows.  When it comes to the worldwide prevalence of child sexual abuse in general, 18% of girls and 8% of boys experience abuse.  Yet perpetrators are rarely prosecuted.  The average pedophile molests approximately 260 children in his lifetime—they generally don’t stop unless they are forced to—and the majority of pedophiles are family members, acquaintances, or caretakers, not strangers.  90% of pedophiles who are caught will reoffend.  85-90% of pedophiles are males.  Only 3% of child sexual abuse and 12% of rapes involving children are ever reported to police, and of those reported only 1-2% of these cases are ever prosecuted and result in a conviction.  Then to go even further, the majority of child molesters who are convicted spend less than a year in jail.  

As Karen Beemer, the mother of child victims here in Connecticut stated, “The kids are messed up for the rest of their lives…The pedophile gets everything they want.”  

One of the reasons why child sexual abuse is so poorly prosecuted is because there is a high rate of false allegations.  So, you are talking about a horrific crime combined with the very real possibility that the accuser is lying about it.   Particularly in connection to custody matters in family court, there are a considerable number of false allegations.  Judges and prosecutors are aware that if they pursue allegations which turn out to be false, even if a man is later found innocent, it is likely his life will be destroyed. 

Of course, many child abuse advocates say that while the problem of false allegations is, indeed, serious and troubling, they only occur very rarely.  However, this is just not true. In the course of doing research for this article, when I typed into google “family court false allegations of sexual abuse.” among the results, I came up with is an article written by Hollida Wakefield entitled “Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody Disputes” While somewhat on the old side, citing studies from the 80s and 90s it provided the insight that in about half of the cases where sexual abuse was alleged, the allegations were false. Another more recent study put the number of false allegations at 33% which is still pretty high. 

In contrast, studies cited by advocates for protective mothers indicated a considerably lower level of false allegations of 8% and even 1%. What was the basis of this extreme difference, i.e. 50% vs. 1%, in the percentages which were reported here?  Apparently, the latter studies only included cases under false allegations when the allegations were intentionally false.  Of course, I would question that approach because false allegations are false, and intentional or not, result in prosecution and the resultant damage to a person's life which is grossly unjust if the person has been falsely accused. 

It is horrific to consider that thousands of innocent men, possibly up to 50% of those accused, could be hounded, harassed, bullied, incarcerated and their lives destroyed by such a high level of false allegations.  Talk about “The Children’s Hour!”  

What can be done?  How can we safeguard fathers who are wholly innocent of wrongdoing, while at the same time protect vulnerable children from the lifelong devastation of child sexual abuse by putting the perpetrators in jail?  

The answer to that question is:  only with a great deal of difficulty.  

Apparently, it is extremely hard to obtain definitive physical evidence, the kind that stands up in court, in cases of child sexual abuse.  For instance, I found on google a 2016 article entitled "Physical Evidence Uncommon in Child Abuse Cases.";  its operative comment was, "Over 90% of sexual assault exams completed in children result in no finding." Here is another article from Reuters dated August 3, 2009 entitled, "Physical Evidence Rare in Girls Reporting Sex Abuse."  It states, "girls who describe repetitive sexual abuse by genital penetration rarely have definitive physical evidence to prove it, according to the journal "Pediatrics."  A Pub Med entry in 1993 states, "Studies indicate that a normal physical exam is common in sexual abuse victims."  A Deutsches Arzteblatt article from October 10, 2014 states, "The great majority of sexually abused children do not have any abnormal physical findings." 

My next question then was, can't you tell whether a child is still a virgin by examining the state of her hymen? Apparently, not.  In the same way that it is impossible to tell whether sexual abuse has taken place, the variation in the state of a girl's hymen is so broad it is literally impossible to be sure who is a virgin and who is not.  I also wanted to mention just in case you were wondering, because I myself immediately asked the question:  does the existence of frequent urinary tract infections (UTI) in girls indicate there has been sexual abuse.  Again, the answer is no.  It turns out that many young girls end up with frequent urinary tract infections without any child sexual abuse involved and so frequently UTIs have no evidentiary value whatsoever.  Then, to make things more tough the ano-genital region has such a powerful ability to heal and regenerate that when there is damage to that area, it heals with great rapidity, again making it difficult to determine if any violence was done to that area. 

Given these facts, when a medical report comes back stating that the results of a child sexual abuse evaluation are inconclusive or unsubstantiated, that actually doesn't mean much, does it. 

Some ways in which authorities have been able to overcome these barriers are when the child reports to authorities so quickly after the incident that it is possible to obtain physical evidence such as tearing, bruising, and/or the presence of sperm or semen.  It is also possible to test the child's clothing, comforter or sheets for DNA evidence, but incidents where investigators find anything there is for the better part quite unusual.  Of course, in cases where there are STD's or a resulting pregnancy, that makes it irrefutable that sexual intercourse took place, although in the case of STDs, it would be harder to identify who was involved.  

But again, keep in mind what I stated at the beginning of this article that such definitive physical and DNA evidence is only available in 10% of cases.  

So how are child sexual abuse cases prosecuted for the better part? What evidence are they left with?  

According to the American Humane Association, "The central issue becomes whether the child's statements can be trusted", and according to Attorney John E.B. Myers, "In many cases, the most important evidence is the child's testimony."  

In the case I mentioned earlier where Mr. James Stanley had been accused of child sexual abuse, the daughter who accused him was 3 years old at the time of the initial accusation. Can you imagine putting a man in jail for say 20 years, or say cutting him off entirely from his parental rights to his child solely based upon the testimony of a 3 year old and nothing else?  If that troubles you, imagine how a judge feels!  That's why, according to Nestor Ramos and Even Allen of "The Boston Globe" "Lawyers and judges call the cases that involve allegations of sexual abuse atomic bombs: Everything around them becomes radioactive.  Claims and counterclaims pile up.  Alleged victims are often too young to testify."  

Of course, it would be helpful if Court personnel were knowledgeable about the nature of child sexual abuse cases. For instance, in the Boston case, the judge allowed unsupervised visitation because the judge took into consideration the fact that Mr. Stanley had not "been criminally charged with abusing the girl..."--but as I've said, only 1-2% of cases ever are--and "other than the girl's testimony there was no other "corroborating evidence".  Well, as you have seen from this article, there rarely is anything more than a girl's testimony in cases of sexual abuse and so that is a fairly meaningless observation.  

Another interesting comment that the Judge made in the Boston case was that when it came to another of Mr. Stanley's alleged child victims, the Judge stated, "Even if it happened, it happened when she was 11?...I don't know how it's relevant."  Of course, it is relevant because it is an indication that Mr. Stanley was a repeat offender--he'd molested children before.

I also find the judges comment interesting because she expresses a viewpoint I've heard from Judges before, that somehow as time passes, victims of child sexual abuse should just get over it. In fact, the reality is that these victims do not "just get over it."  This is true of the victims of domestic violence as well as victims of child sexual abuse.  The idea that victims should just bounce back and agree to a complete restoration of the relationship and a reinstatement of full visitation with the children etc. simply because time has gone by, while a very common attitude found in many family court systems, remains a completely ridiculous concept, at least to me.  

So yes, difficulties in obtaining definitive evidence play a major role in the lack of consequences for perpetrators in these cases, but also mistaken, misguided, and just plain erroneous assumptions on the part of court personnel plays a major role as well, even to the point of absurdity.  

So what are we left with?  

What we have are situations such as the McMartin pre-school case (1984-1990), where 48 children credibly claimed that the owners of the pre-school and an employee--Virginia McMartin, Peggy McMartin Buckey and Ray Buckey--sexually abused them.  However, Dr. Michael Maloney, a British clinical psychologist called upon to evaluate the children's testimony, stated that the children's testimony was only obtained via highly coercive interviews. Plus, the jury concluded that claims of underground tunnels and ritual satanic abuse could not have occurred as reported and, therefore, the case ended in acquittal. 

In contrast, there is the case of Dr. George Reardon who successfully evaded the claims of several victims during his lifetime that he had sexually abused them, from 1956 at the start of his career until his retirement in the 90s. Dr. Reardon's guilt was only brought to light after his death when the man who purchased his former home discovered a cache of pornographic photographs in the basement. Currently, there are 135 known victims of Dr. George Reardon's criminal activities. 

Meanwhile, there is a small but influential group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, some associated with the organization B4U-ACT, who are working very hard to destigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia stating that minors aren't harmed by exposure to early sexual activity, and are only harmed by society's stigmatizing response to it. Considering that legal professionals are generally known to have an inordinate respect for mental health professionals, psychiatry's push to normalize pedophilia can only have the effect of making Judges and attorneys even less willing to hold pedophiles responsible for their behavior.   

Ultimately, I can see why in the face of the immense complications presented by child sexual abuse cases in family court, most judges have the knee jerk reaction to just tell mothers to shut up.  It isn't in any way right, but given the complexity involved in adjudicating these cases, it is understandable. Faced with unclear and conflicting evidence, Judges truly must find it easier to conclude mothers have coached their children rather than take the testimony of a 6 year old seriously. So I would not say that we can simply yell that the courts are corrupt and be done with it.  Sometimes Judges can be truly well intentioned, but simply find themselves in a position where it isn't possible for them to make decisions with the kind of certainty they'd like to have when it comes to the truly vulnerable such as young children. I personally do not envy the position they are in.

I also want to say that I am not on board with women's rights groups or government authorities that urge parents to report immediately if they think their child is a victim of sexual abuse, particularly if you have a custody case going on in family court.  You just do not know what the impact will be on your child if you expose him or her to the legal system.  So any step you take as a parent must be carefully considered. Bottom line is we need to depoliticize the issue so that we can deal with accurate data and best practices rather than propaganda from those who have an axe to grind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Wednesday, February 10, 2016
10:00 AM in Room 2E of the LOB


I. To be a Judge of the Superior Court:

1. The Honorable William H. Bright, Jr. of Columbia
2. The Honorable Cara F. Eschuk of Naugatuck
3. The Honorable Linda K. Lager of New Haven
4. The Honorable Eddie Rodriguez, Jr. of Easton
5. The Honorable Robert E. Young of South Glastonbury

II. To be a State Referee:

1. The Honorable Charles Gill of Litchfield
2. The Honorable Joseph Licari of North Haven
3. The Honorable Socrates Mihalokos of Southbury
4. The Honorable Joseph Pellegrino of Hamden
5. The Honorable Michael E. Shay of Wilton

III. To be a Workers' Compensation Commissioner:

1. Scott A. Barton of Seymour
2. John A. Mastropietro of Watertown

IV. To be a Boards of Pardons & Paroles Member:

1. Patricia Camp of Bloomfield
2. Jeff L. Hoffman of Madison
3. Christopher B. Lyddy of New Haven
4. Carmen D. Sierra of New Britain

Thursday, February 4, 2016




I.  To be a Justice of the Supreme Court
1.  The Honorable Christine S. Vertefeuille of East Haven

II.  To be a Judge of the Appellate court
1.  The Honorable Robert E. Beach, Jr. of Storrs

III.  To be a Judge of the Superior Court:
1.  The Honorable Joan K. Alexander of Cromwell
2.  The Honorable Alice A. Bruno of New Britain
3.  The Honorable William T. Cremins of Middlebury
4.  The Honorable Michael R. Dannehy of Manchester
5.  The Honorable Edward S. Domnarsky of Essex
6.  The Honorable John B. Farley of West Hartford
7.  The Honorable Mathew E. Frechette of Branford
8.  The Honorable David P. Gold of Middlefield
9.  The Honorable Gerald L. Harmon of Southington
10.  The Honorable Barbara Bailey Jongbloewd of Madison
11.  The Honorable Edward T. Krumeich of Greenwich
12.  The Honorable Paul M. Matasavage of Oakville
13.  The Honorable John J. Nazzaro of Pawcatuck
14.  The Honorable John W. Pickard of Harwinton
15.  The Honorable Linda Pearce Prestley of West Hartford

IV.  To be a State Referee:
1.  The Honorable Robert J. Malone of Milford
2.  The Honorable Francis M. McDonald, Jr. of Middleburg
3.  The Honorable Barry Schaller of Guilford

Thursday, January 28, 2016


For those of you who  took the time to send in letters to the Judicial Selection Commission regarding specific judges who are currently under consideration for reappointment, I am happy to post your letters on the Divorce in Connecticut website.  Just send a copy of your letter as an attachment to the following email:

Monday, January 25, 2016


Here is an example of the kind of letter you can write!  By Elizabeth A. Richter

January 22, 2016

Judicial Selection Commission
18-20 Trinity Street
Hartford, CT  06106

Re:  Hon. Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone

Dear Sir/Madame:

It is my understanding that the  Hon. Judge Holly A. Abery-Wetstone is coming under consideration for reappointment in February 2016.

In regard to the Hon. Judge Holly A. Abery-Wetstone, in my case she violated Canon 1 of the  Code of Judicial Conduct which states, “A judge shall uphold and promote the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.” in the following manner.

On September 14, 2011, I stood before the Hon. Judge Holly A. Abery-Wetstone in family court when she was assigned to my case to hear my Complaint and Request for Injunctive Relief dated July 25, 2011.

At the beginning of the hearing, I pointed out to  Hon. Judge Abery-Wetstone that she had represented the Defendant previously and in that regard had played a central role in writing the Parties prenuptial agreement prior to their marriage.  I requested that she step down from hearing the motion in my case because her prior representation of my ex-husband would create an appearance of impropriety.  Nonetheless, the Hon. Judge Abery-Wetstone refused to honor my request and said she could not recall representing my ex-husband.  I do have documentary evidence to the effect that she did represent my ex-husband, and whether the Hon. Judge Abery-Wetstone recalled that fact or not, there was evidence to the effect that she had, and this meant that her decision to continue to hear the case represented an act of impropriety.  

I believe that a judge who does not recognize the importance of upholding and promoting “the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary” at all times has no business acting in the role of judge.  Therefore, I request that this Commission deny the Hon. Holly A. Abery-Wetstone a reappointment.  

Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.


Elizabeth A. Richter
P.O. Box 5
Canton, CT  06019

Friday, December 25, 2015




            The terms of the following Judges of the State of Connecticut will expire during the year 2017 and the nominations by the Governor will come before the Judicial Selection Commission for review commencing in February 2016.

            There are 36 judges with terms expiring in 2017:

            SUPREME COURT

           Hon. Richard N. Palmer
           Hon. Peter T. Zarella


           Hon. Bethany J. Alvord

            SUPERIOR COURT
        Hon. Holly A. Abery-Wetstone
Hon. Gerard I. Adelman
Hon. Salvatore C. Agati
Hon. Elizabeth A. Bozzuto
Hon. Mary-Margaret D. Burgdorff
Hon. Richard E. Burke
Hon. Emmet L. Cosgrove
Hon. Robert J. Devlin, Jr.
Hon. Kevin G. Dubay
Hon. Brian T. Fischer
Hon. Stanley T. Fuger, Jr.
Hon. James P. Ginocchio
Hon. Bruce P. Hudock
Hon. Corinne L. Klatt
Hon. Douglas C. Mintz
Hon. Vernon D. Oliver
Hon. Sheila A. Ozalis
Hon. Nicola E. Rubinow
Hon. Philip A. Scarpellino
Hon. Jose A. Suarez
Hon. Carl E. Taylor
Hon. William J. Wenzel
Hon. Dawne G. Westbrook
Hon. Peter Emmett Wiese
Hon. Glenn A. Woods

Senior Judges

Hon. Angelo L. dos Santos
Hon. Susan B. Handy
Hon. Kevin P. McMahon
Hon. Patty Jenkins Pittman
Hon. Susan S. Reynolds
Hon. Jane S. Scholl
Hon. Patricia A. Swords
Hon. Heidi G. Winslow

Comments regarding the reappointment of any of the Judges on the Reappointment List for 2017 may be submitted to the Judicial Selection Commission, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, CT 06106 on or before January 29, 2016.  Reappointment interviews of the listed Judges will commence in February 2016 and continue through June 2016.  Accordingly, comments received after January 29, 2016 will be considered if received prior to a Judge's reappointment interview.  Anonymous submissions will be considered but afforded less weight than signed submissions.  

Monday, September 28, 2015


Task Force to Study the Statewide Response to 
Minors Exposed to Domestic Violence


Tuesday, October 6, 2015 10:00 A.M. in Room 2A of the LOB
  1. (10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.) Welcome and Opening Remarks from Co-Chairs, Karen Jarmoc and Garry Lapidus

  2. (10:10 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.) Task Force Member Introductions

  3. (10:15 a.m. – 10:55 a.m.) Presentations and Discussion

    Children’s Matters in Probate Courts
    Hon. Paul J. Knierim, Probate Court Administrator
    Hon. John A. Keyes, New Haven Probate Court, Administrative Judge, New Haven Regional Children’s Probate Court
    Hon. Beverly K. Streit-Kefalas, Milford-Orange Probate Court
    Stephanie A. Janes, LMFT, Program Manager, Mental Health and Family Programs

    Family and Child Advocacy through Connecticut’s Domestic Violence Service Providers
    Kelly Annelli, Director of Member Organization Services and Technical Assistance, CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    Suzanne Adam, Executive Director, Domestic Abuse Service Greenwich YWCA

  4. (10:55 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.) Task Force Member Priority Remarks and Discussion

  5. (11:55 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) Summary from Co-Chairs 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


According to Channel 8, Karen Jarmoc, head of the CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence stated,

“The ‘Office of Violence Against Women,’ for example, host a training four times a year. It’s free. It’s for Family Court Judges, and since 2007 only five Connecticut judges have participated,” she said.

So let's look at this, 5 judges in the last eight years bothered to show up for a judges training on domestic violence offered to them free of charge.  

Friday, July 3, 2015


Judge Alex Kozinski, one of America's most prominent jurists, has a new article out that attacks many assumptions about criminal justice in the US.
"Much of the so-called wisdom that has been handed down to us about the workings of the legal system, and the criminal process in particular, has been undermined by experience, legal scholarship and common sense," Kozinski writes in the Georgetown Law Journal
In his article, Kozinski calls much of the law "guesswork" and points out 12 widely held but largely false beliefs about criminal prosecution in America.

Read more:

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


"Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Thursday morning resubmitted the names of four judicial nominees whom the General Assembly failed to confirm in the 2015 session that ended at midnight Wednesday.
The legislature’s Judiciary Committee had unanimously endorsed all four for confirmation and none were publicly controversial, suggesting the failure to act was directed at Malloy, not his selections.
“If it was a message, I missed it,” Malloy said.
House Speaker J. Brendan Sharkey, D-Hamden, faulted Malloy for waiting to make the nominations until May 12, three weeks and one day before the legislature's constitutional adjournment deadline..."
For more on this story, please click on the link below:

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Mark Pazniokas of "The CT Mirror" reports as follows:
"It happened to Lowell P. Weicker Jr. in 1994, John G. Rowland in 1996 and M. Jodi Rell in 2010: Those governors faced outcries for failing to include a single black lawyer in large classes of Superior Court nominees.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, whose latest nominees await confirmation votes by the General Assembly before it adjourns June 3, is the first Connecticut governor in two decades to avoid controversy over judicial diversity.
Thirty percent of the 47 judges Malloy has nominated to the Superior Court since taking office in 2011 have been minorities, twice the percentage of those named by his immediate predecessors, Rell and Rowland.
The higher percentage of minority lawyers being named to the bench reflects Malloy’s commitment to diversity, but also nearly two decades of effort by the judiciary and legal profession to demystify the process and broaden the pool of potential judicial candidates..."
For more information on this topic, please click on the link below:


Dave Collins of the Associated Press reports in The Hartford Courant as follows:

"Connecticut judges have granted more than 80 percent of requests to erase marijuana possession convictions since the state decriminalized small amounts of pot in 2011, state Judicial Branch records show.

Superior Court judges have approved 32 of 39 petitions to erase convictions for marijuana possession in the past four years, after Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and state lawmakers downgraded possession of less than a half-ounce of pot from a misdemeanor with potential jail time to a violation akin to a parking ticket, with fines ranging from $150 for a first offense to up to $500 for subsequent offenses.

Although the number of erasures is small compared with the thousands of arrests for marijuana possession in Connecticut over the years, defense lawyers expect many more people to apply as word spreads about a recent state Supreme Court decision. The court ruled in March that people have the right to get their convictions erased..."

For more information on this topic, please click on the link below:

Monday, May 25, 2015



Middlesex Judicial District Courthouse Jury Assembly Room
1 Court Street, Middletown

June 12, 2015-10 a.m.


I.   Approval of minutes ofthe meeting held June 13,2014

II.  Remarks by Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers

III. Remarks by Judge Patrick L. Carroll, Chief Court Administrator

IV.  ReportNote of the Rules Committee by Justice Dennis G. Eveleigh

V.   Election of four judges to the Rules Committee of the Superior Court for a one year term 

VI.  Selection of six judges to the Judicial Review Council

(a) Selection of two judges of the Superior Court who are not also judges of the Supreme Court, from whom one shall be appointed by the Governor with the approval of the General Assembly, for a term of four years to replace Judge Joan K. Alexander as a regular member of the Judicial Review Council commencing December 1, 2015

(b) Selection of two judges of the Superior Court who are not also judges of the Supreme Court, from whom one shall be appointed by the Governor with the approval of the General Assembly, to replace Judge Kevin G. Dubay as an alternate member of the Judicial Review Council for a three year term commencing December 1, 2015.

(c) Selection of two judges of the Superior Court who are not also judges of the Supreme Court, from whom one shall be appointed by the Governor with the approval ofthe General Assembly, to replace Judge John J. Nazzaro as an alternate member ofthe Judicial Review Council for a three year term commencing December 1, 2015.

Since members cannot serve consecutive terms, Judge Joan K. Alexander, Judge Kevin G. Dubay, and Judge John J Nazzaro are not eligible for reappointment. The other regular members ofthe Council are Judges Barbara N Bellis and Frank A. Iannotti.

VII.  Report of the Executive Committee, including appointments to terms of office, by Judge Patrick L. Carroll

VIII.  Motion to Adjourn 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The Hartford Courant reports as follows:

Honorable Robert J. Hale (April 28, 1921 - August 6, 2014). 

Robert Joseph Hale of Glastonbury, loving father of 4 

and proud grandfather of 10 adoring grandchildren, 

passed away at home on Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 

at age 93. Bob was a truly remarkable man and 

will be dearly missed. He was born on April 28, 1921

in Hartford, to Harry Lorin Hale and Mary Elizabeth

(O'Connor) Hale. He attended Saint Augustine 

School and Bulkeley High School in Hartford (1939), 

Trinity College (1943), and the Yale Law School (1949). 

He also served in the Army Air Corps during 

World War II. Judge Hale had a long and 

distinguished career.  

See more at:

Monday, March 30, 2015


I was reading a comment from a particularly annoying father's rights guy in which he posed the following question, "Who do you think is more likely to get justice, a man who is standing before a female judge in a family court matter, or a woman who is standing before a male judge in a family court matter?  Let's not kid ourselves."  

I think the father's rights person thought that question was an easy one to answer, but really it isn't.  He isn't the only one to go before a woman or a man judge taking along with him assumptions about what he can expect.  What do you think?  Can you expect more or less justice from a woman judge?  Are women at all equipped to do the job of a superior court judge?  

In 1986 when I was taking classes in Educational Psychology for my teaching certificate, I was told "no" women do not have the qualities of mind that it takes to be a judge. Based upon the theories of moral development established by Prof. Lawrence Kohlberg, a student of Jean Piaget, women simply do not have the ethical capability to fulfill the duties of a judge properly.  

Starting in 1958, when he was a graduate student, Prof. Kohlberg used stories such as the Heinz dilemma as a means to evaluate the moral reasoning of the individuals he studied.  Eventually, he broke up the stages of moral development into three levels, pre-conventional, i.e. "what's in it for me?", conventional, i.e.  "what will other people think of me?", and post-conventional, "what is the greater good?"  

The Heinz dilemma for those who don't know is as follows:

A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her.  It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered.  The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to produce.  He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug.  The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000, which is half of what it cost.  He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later.  But the druggist said, "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it."  So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.  Should Heinz have broken into the laboratory to steal the drug or not?  

In answering the question, it is not so much what the person thinks Heinz should do that matters, but how the person justifies his answer.  

Fundamental to Dr. Kohlberg's theory is the concept of justice--it is a "justice-centered theory of morality".  As one expert explains it, "Kohlberg's theory centers on the notion that justice is the essential characteristic of moral reasoning.  Justice itself relies heavily upon the notion of sound reasoning based upon principles."  And further, "Kohlberg's theory understands values as a critical component of the right.  Whatever the right is, for Kohlberg, it must be universally valid across societies (a position known as "moral universalism"); there can be no relativism."  

Essentially, Professor Kohlberg indicated that women are morally inferior to men because they get stuck on the conventional level and worry about what people think of them.  In contrast, he deduced that men are much more able to move beyond that stance towards  the post-conventional level where you think more on the level of abstract principles and are less concerned about the people involved in the decision.  

What this means is that Prof. Kohlberg would have said women are not suited to be judges because they get bogged down in the interpersonal details and are unable to think in the kind of broad and abstract ways that lead to just decisions within the courtroom.  If you can imagine, this was taught as truth in my day and no other perspective was considered.

In many ways, I understand Dr. Kohlberg's position.  Women always seem so enmeshed in their life circumstances that they are unable to see independently; they get caught up in moral relativism--how is it for this particular sympathetic individual.  In contrast, men don't seem to take everything so personally and they appear to be willing to do what they think is necessary without worrying so much about what others will think of them. They are willing to do what they believe to be good for society as a whole, no matter what the consequences. I would agree that for whatever the reason, whether it is biology or social conditioning very few women actually have strong personalities--they tend to be very wishy washy and fade into the woodwork.  It is men who are willing to speak up and speak loudly and take decisive action no matter how unpopular.  

So should we fire all the women judges since Kohlberg says they are not up to it?  

Not so fast says -- well pretty much everyone!  If you go online to google and type in the search terms related to men, women and ethics, you will get page after page of references to articles indicating that women are ethically superior to men.  Why is this?  I think it is because our cultural assumptions regarding the ethical superiority of women are so engrained in us that no one can believe otherwise no matter what Prof. Kohlberg had to say.  In the West, the ethical superiority of women is one of those cultural concepts that will always be true no matter how false it is.

The original concept of the ethical superiority of women arose during the Victorian Age in 1854 when Coventry Patmore's poem "The Angel in the House" was published. This poem, which soon permeated every nook and corner of European concepts of femininity, celebrated the ideal woman  as a wife and mother who was selflessly devoted to her children and submissive to her husband.  As Virginia Woof said mockingly when she wrote about this ideal, "She [the perfect wife] was intensely sympathetic.  She was immensely charming.  She was utterly unselfish.  She excelled in the difficult arts of family life.  She sacrificed daily.  If there was a chicken, she took the leg; if there was a draught she sat in it ... Above all, she was pure."  

One of the most persuasive arguments in support of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote was that women's moral superiority would lead her to improve the moral fiber of society should she have the opportunity to become more involved politically.  

In the 1980s,  more support for women's ethical capabilities arose from the work of Harvard psychologist Carol Gilligan author of the book "In a Different Voice" and herself the daughter of an attorney.  She theorized that men often base their ethical decisions on principles of justice, equality, impartiality, and rights, i.e. the justice perspective while women base their decisions based upon principles that uphold the need to preserve relationships and minimize hurt to others, i.e. the care perspective.  

She stated that even though individuals are often aware of both perspectives, when it comes down to the wire and they have to make an ethical decision, they will choose one or the other perspective.  

Dr. Gilligan agrees with Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg's perspective on how men and women make ethical decisions, but she would challenge Kohlberg's interpretation of what is going on.  From her perspective, the concern women have for other people is vastly superior to the way men rely upon abstract, impersonal principles when making decisions that can often affect people's lives profoundly.  

As Gilligan understood it, "Progress from stage to stage [of moral development] is motivated, in part, by the individuals increasing understanding of human relationships, and, in part, by the attempt to maintain one's own integrity and care for one's self without neglecting others.  Throughout this process, women regard themselves as selves-in-relation."  The bottom line is that women are more likely to think about how their decisions will affect relationships between people.  

These insights are valuable combined with evocative brain studies reported in the book "Don't Think Pink" by Lisa Johnson and Andrea Learned that indicate that "while men may have more brain cells than women, men typically do not have as much of the connecting tissues that allows information to transfer more readily between the right and left brain hemispheres."  Thus, men listen to others using only one hemisphere of the brain, while women use both hemispheres to listen to others.  [So if you thought your man was listening to you with only half his brain, you were right!]

One of the most frequently reported consequences of this difference in brain structure is that women are more capable of detecting deception than men are.  This must be very frustrating to women who are quick to recognize and report on the abuse they experience in relationships with their ex husbands, but ironically because they are women, male judges are likely to interpret their superior insights as exaggeration or simple hysteria.  

So what does this mean for litigants in family court?  

In order to get the proper adjudication of cases do we need to provide two judges--a male and a female judge--in order to ensure that both the justice perspective and the care perspective are included in the final judgment of the court?  

I would not simply dismiss this concept out of hand.  There could be some serious merit in this idea.  

On the other hand, in our modern day where discrimination still remains rampant and we are struggling with the extensive corruption, particularly in our family court system, women judges are often in compromised positions and have often made a trade off to obtain their employment as a judge which consists of agreeing to promote the interests of men over that of women in order to get the job.  If that is the case, as I suspect it is, we are not likely to obtain balanced and reasonable decisions from women judges.  

In regard to men, more recent studies conducted by Prof. Laura Kray and Prof. Michael Haselhuhn have indicated that men tend to be less ethical if their masculine pride is put at risk.  This would appear to indicate that, as a woman in family court, if you are dealing with a male judge, you will be more likely to obtain an ethical and fair decision if you flatter or appeal to their manhood.  

So the issue of gender and suitability for the position of family court judge is much more complicated than it appeared to be at first.  I don't think there is a simple answer to the question my father's rights friend posed at the start of this essay.  What I think we have, in the end, are a series of insights regarding how men and women think which should contribute to the development of an effective strategy in a legal case.