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Monday, May 14, 2012


For those of you interested in getting more news from the frontlines regarding the war on women, see Anne Stevenson's cogent article recently published on the Huff Post.   Our government supporting abusers in getting custody, funding criminals in their efforts to get custody, and more! 

See the link below:

Sunday, May 13, 2012




God bless all of you protective mothers on Mother's Day, and also our friends and supporters in our struggle for justice for our children. 

I wanted to remind you that Mary, the Mother of Jesus understands our struggles, understands our love for our children and the tremendous obstaces we face speaking the truth to corrupt judges, corrupt attorneys, and even more corrupt mental health professionals.  

I was talking to a group of friends the other day and I said Christians forget that Jesus celebrates the weakest amongst us.  Those who are the very least, He elevates to the very highest position, those who are reviled He praises, and upon those who are denied, he pours our His Holy Spirit. 

And so we Protective Mothers continue to battle on, secure in our Victory through Jesus Christ, knowing that we will prevail. 

Today on this special day, one that is so vital to Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, and also to us as Mothers, I want to remind you again of Mary's words as she celebrates Christ's entrance into the world:

     My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. 
     For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden:  for, behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. 
     For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. 
     And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. 
     He hath shewed strength with his arm, he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. 
     He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. 
     He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. 
     He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy. 
     As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

This is the essence of the Christian message.  The love of the very least among us.  The love of those most vulnerable.  The love of those most tragically harmed.

Mary says,

He will scatter the proud!  He will put down the mighty! 
He will send the rich away empty!

He will have mercy on them that fear him!  He will exalt the lowly!  He will feed the hungry!

So, we can rest easy today, knowing that God supports us in our struggles, he upholds us in our weakness, he loves each one of us beyond measure.  Many of you do not have your children with you today, your hearts are aching, and you are overwhelmed with pain and worry.  Know that you are not alone, that God loves you and your children and you will prevail and find healing.

Friday, May 11, 2012


To start with, in this case I am not going to get right into the players or the story; I'm just going to go straight to the money issue.  Because money has to be one of the primary themes of the case.  

As it turns out, this is the story of a fairly non traditional couple who kind of break the mold in many ways.  However, in the way they divorced they didn't break the mold; instead, they walked down the path of high conflict divorce which we are all so familiar with.  

They walked it to the point where Judge Bishop stated, "This case is a war of wills cloaked in a custody dispute.  The battle consumed eleven trial days, and the parties have incurred approximately three hundred and seventeen ($317,000) thousand dollars of legal fees and attendant litigation costs."  

Ok, I am jumping right to the end of this case where there is a more detailed discussion of the fees.  It looks as though plaintiff  (father) was represented by two attorney's serving as co-counsel at trial which added up to $193,302, the Defendant's (mother) attorney cost $92,516, and then the counsel for the minor child submitted a bill for around $32,000 which does add up to the $317,000 the judge was talking about regarding legal fees.  

Ok, I love this kind of addition and subtraction.  I guess Judge Bishop was willing to be open about the legal fees but he was not willing to itemize the so called attendant litigations costs, over and above the base $317,000.  

This consisted of the costs for the custody evaluation by Dr. James C. Black, which was probably around an additional ten thousand or more, then the cost for the psychological evaluations, another five thousand or more, then the cost for the substance abuse evaluator and the neurologist, several thousand more, and then over and above that, according to Judge Bishop, "Each of these medical and mental health professionals provided a report to the court.  Several of them testified as well."  

Ok, then, the cost of the expert testimony alone was extremely expensive, no doubt.  That's four expert witnesses, and who knows how many days of testimony they had to come in for.  Plus, there must have been some fun depositions, don't you think!  Depositions of the expert witnesses, and also depositions of the parties!  Just one great big fun time!

So, what do you say, guys, with legal fees, attendant court costs, costs of transcripts, costs of travel for Mrs. Bauer, what do we have--around maybe $400,000 as a reasonable estimate for the entire divorce.  Wow!  Lots of people made a killing here!  

Judge Bishop seems to be pretty amazed by all this money going around, but I'm sure you the reader and I am not that surprised.  Seriously, I must have spent the same amount on my divorce and others I've spoken to have easily gone to a million or more.  

I can recall my first attorney when he saw an investment account statement of some stock which I was using to pay his fees; he sat there with the statement in his hands this gloating look on his face like, yes, this will all be mine, and it was within a few short months.  The greed I saw play itself out in my divorce was extraordinary.  

Thousands and thousands of dollars, a small fortune, gone, all gone.  My future, my children's future, all in the hands of attorneys.  And the judge in this case actually takes the time to question that?  I am amazed.  Where has he been as a judge in Connecticut? In la la land? 

I've been reading a book called "Aftertime" by Sophie Littlefield about a post apocalyptic world where Zombies roam the streets looking for living people to eat.  This is how the author describes the bloodlust of these zombies, 

"The maniacal frenzy of their hunger could not be tempered by any obstacle. They'd run across glass, across hot coals, across this terrible scorched earth that was the end of the world if it meant fresh, uninfected flesh.  They were body eaters, after all, and that was all they lived for."  

If you replace the word "flesh" with money, the word "body eaters" with money suckers, you'd have most lawyers, that's for sure.  Maniacal, insane, crazy for profit, no matter how much damage they do, no matter how many lives they destroy, men, women, children, it's all the same to them, to lawyers.  

More in Part II....


Just so you know, the Judiciary Committee decided not to bring Raised Bill No. 5509 forward for a vote and so it wasn't brought to the full House Or Senate for consideration.

Still, this is no reason to be at ease.  The Connecticut Alimony Reform group and its allies that sponsored the bill won't be resting.  They are continuing to press forward in order to get this bill passed.  In their own words,

"We are hard at work developing the next stages of our strategy."

We also need to be hard at work developing the next stages of OUR strategy! 


Testimony of

The Permanent Commission on the Status of Women

Before the

Judiciary Committee

March 19, 2012

Re: H.B. 5509, AAC The Payment of Alimony and Child Support

Senators Coleman and Kissel, Representative Fox and Hetherington, and Members of the Committee,

Thank you for this opportunity to provide testimony on behalf of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) regarding the above referenced bill.

H.B. 5509 would restrict the duration of alimony, and severely limit the grounds for which the Court could deviate from the law. PCSW opposes passage of this bill because it does not take into consideration each family’s finances, circumstances, and the trade-offs that were made when the marriage was successful, i.e. one spouse remaining out of the workforce to care for the children. It also provides the obligor with additional mechanisms to control the ex-spouse’s household after divorce.

Divorced women earn about 13% less than divorced men - $38,046 for divorced women and $43,621 for divorced men.

In addition to pay inequity, women have less income because they are the primary caretakers in the family. Women are more likely to have taken time off or work or worked part-time to care for the family’s children. Men continue to increase their income because their spouses are caring for their children while they work.

In divorce this income disparity continues because women still have to take time out of the workforce to care for the children, but now they have less income. Child support only pays a fraction of the expenses needed to provide a household for a child, and it doesn’t calculate extra expenses such as extracurricular and school activities.

Passage of this bill will result in custodial parents, which are mostly women, continuing to bear the brunt of the financial responsibility for the parties’ children. We appreciate your attention to this matter, and look forward to working with you on this issue.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As I continue to investigate the issue of corruption in CT Family Court, I occasionally come across stories that are totally tragic. 

These are stories of divorces that continue over a period of years, sometimes up to a decade or more while eating up litigants' entire resources, all of their savings, their real estate, their investments--literally everything they have, leaving people destroyed both financially and emotionally. Much of this is the result of attorney misconduct and judicial abuse.

Below is a link to a divorce case that caused untold damage to one individual--Dr. Rudolf Bee.  Clearly, this case started to go wrong in so many ways right from the beginning.  It leaves us pondering such questions as: 

1)  What recourse does the family court system and/or the State of Connecticut have in place for divorces that are clearly out of control and destroying the lives of the people involved in it? 

2)  Also, what role do attorneys and judges play in creating these situations and don't legal professionals have a responsibility to take preventative measures to make sure this kind of harm and damage does not take place? 

3)  Isn't the legal profession in family court a form of organized crime the way attorneys fix cases, and drain litigants of multiple thousands of dollars?

Keep in mind that in Connecticut, a quarter million is nothing in terms of what litigants such as Dr. Rudolf Bee lost--think of the millions squandered in the Tauk divorce!

Isn't it time to put a stop to this corruption?  

Click on the link below, review the case and tell me what you think!