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Monday, November 11, 2013


Barry Goldstein, of the NOMAS Child Custody Task Group states the following:
"Mothers and domestic violence advocates have been complaining for many years about problems in the custody court system that have resulted in large numbers of children being sent to live with abusive fathers while safe, protective mothers are denied any meaningful relationship with their children.  Courts have tended to dismiss the complaints by referring to the mothers as “disgruntled litigants.”  As more concern about the problem has been expressed and more research performed, the mothers’ complaints have been confirmed.  Early in 2010, a new book co-edited by Dr. Maureen T. Hannah and Barry Goldstein, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ABUSE and CHILD CUSTODY will be published and end any doubts that there is a pattern of mistakes made in the custody court system.  These mistakes have caused thousands of cases to be mishandled and placed the lives and well being of battered women and their children in jeopardy."
To read more of this article, please click on the link below: 

1 comment:

  1. DV goes both ways. You NEED to understand that. There are men who shamefully walk around with scars on their faces and other parts of their bodies who aren't even recognized as battered victims. It may be less than the number of battered women but it still is a significant amount.
    There are also underhanded women who make light of real DV and file false claims against their husbands just to get them out of the house and their children's lives.
    The system is very broken when it allows itself to be manipulated either way.
